Display e-mail adress in Opportunity

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  • tzmudzinski
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2014
    • 9

    Display e-mail adress in Opportunity

    I'd like to ask is there any possibilities to display in Opportunity record email address of the Account record.
    I need to fast create Account and attach the Opportunity and then send an e-mail.
    So I thought that the best way is to add field in Opportunity with e-mail adress of the Account.
    Could you give some advise?
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8698


    There wouldn't be problems with regular fields such like varchar, text,... But since emailAddress is a complex field it needs some development to achieve what you need.

    Add 'emailAddress' field to Opportunity manually into metadata with parameters
    "notStorable": true,
    "type": "varchar"

    Then you can create custom Service or Repository for Opportunity and write some code there that fetches emailAddress manually and sets it to opportunity entity ($entity->set('emailAddress', $fetchedEmailAddress);
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