Do I need to compile css everytime for development enviornment using Grunt?

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  • theBuzzyCoder
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2018
    • 102

    Do I need to compile css everytime for development enviornment using Grunt?


    I did what the installation for developer says but it doesn't load the css. I want to run the CRM without creating a build and I have set isDeveloperMode => true in config.php. I want to test before compiling css / building the EspoCRM. Please help me out.

    I have followed these steps:

    "To compose a proper config.php and populate database you can run install by opening http(s)://{YOUR_CRM_URL}/install location in a browser. Then open data/config.php file and add isDeveloperMode => true."

    Is it necessary to use `grunt less` to load css or can we directly load `*.less` files as stylesheets.

    Basically what I am trying to understand here is whether you compile it everytime during development process for changes in css or,
    you do something like watch of your css file and if changes is there you autocompile it again?

    My output after following the steps:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot from 2018-09-25 16-20-35.png
Views:	218
Size:	101.7 KB
ID:	42321
    Last edited by theBuzzyCoder; 09-25-2018, 02:18 PM. Reason: image added