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Lead modification date when adding comments

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  • Lead modification date when adding comments


    Is it possible to change the lead modification date when a comment/stream has been added?

    Coz i have many leads in my system so we regularly update the leads with comments but the problem we have is even though we add a comment to the lead, the modification date does not change unless we edit and change the lead details itself. so we are unable to see which lead was updated last correctly.

    Any help will be appreciated.


  • #2
    It's possible only if you create a hook for Note entity.


    • #3
      Would it be possible to explain a little further what you mean by this? It seems like you're saying:

      1. Create a file, custom/Espo/Custom/Hooks/{EntityName}/{HookName}.php;
      a. I presume EntityName is Lead and HookName would be something like UpdateModifcationDate
      b. Or, is the EntityName Stream?
      2. Something goes in that file that causes the associated Lead to be saved. Questions:
      a. Should we use AfterSave or AfterRelate?
      b. How do you connect to the associated Lead/Stream?
      c. If It is 1b above, then how is this *only* for Stream updates that are connected to Leads?

      Thank you!


      • #4
        1. EntityName is Note
        2.a. afterSave
        2.b. something like this
        if ($entity->get('parentType') == "Lead" && $entity->get('parentId')) {
        $lead = $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity("Lead", $entity->get('parentId'));
        if ($lead) {
        $lead->set('FIELD_NAME', new \DateTime('NOW', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')));


        • #5
          Thanks, I got it to work. For reference for anybody else who finds this thread, here are the steps

          1. Create an Hooks directory and a Note subdirectory under custom/Espo/Custom.

          This is because Streams are actually Notes. We are going to tie this hook to whenever someone saves a Note.

          2. Create a file in this subdirectory called number.php.

          I chose number.php because this is a field in the note table in the database that gets saved. I believe the filename has to correspond to a field that is saved.

          3. Make it contain the following data. Note that I put parts which are unique to our installation in italics.

          PHP Code:

          namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\Note;


          number extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base
            public function 
          afterSave(Entity $entity, array $options = array())
                 if (
          $entity->get('parentType') == "Opportunity" && $entity->get('parentId')) {
          $opportunity $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity("Opportunity"$entity->get('parentId'));
                    if (
          $opportunity) {
          $opportunity->set('FIELD_NAME', new \DateTime('NOW', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')));

          You'll notice the class is called number, which corresponds to the filename. I wanted to tie this to an Opportunity, not a lead, so I added that in as the parent type to check against. Also I named the variable $opportunity for clarity. When you're done safe this file.

          4. Go to your Administration menu and click Clear Cache.

          5. Try adding a note to the stream of an existing opportunity. You'll have to refresh to see it on the screen, but the data is changed immediately.


          • #6
            i tried it with lead (changed the variables to match the lead)... but it does not change the modifiedAt date on the lead.. remains the same.. any idea why?


            • #7
              Got it working... I renamed the folder wrong Thanks for the help


              • #8
                I want to realize the same for the account entity.

                I modified the code above and changed opportunity to „account“ but i doesn't work for me.

                PHP Code:


                namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\Note;


                number extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base
                  public function 
                afterSave(Entity $entity, array $options = array())
                       if (
                $entity->get('parentType') == "Account" && $entity->get('parentId')) {
                $account $this->getEntityManager()->getEntity("Account"$entity->get('parentId'));
                          if (
                $account) {
                $account->set('FIELD_NAME', new \DateTime('NOW', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')));

                When i try it, i get a error 500 when i want to make a comment on an account.

                I also changed the permissions of the file and folder to 775.

                Any idea what i did wrong?

                Is there a way to do thid for all entitys?

