HTML <br /> showing in pdf template

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  • alexmiller
    • Jun 2018
    • 32

    HTML <br /> showing in pdf template

    hello Everyone!
    I am trying to creating a PDF template of a billing, but I have found that when I select the template I want to use and generate the PDF, I get some of the HTML from the actual data that is being passed from the description of a linked item, the return key seems to enter a "<br />" which display in my pdf as is, has anyone come across this and is there a fix? How are the pdf's being generated I see there is an entryPoint=pdf where is this being called? Can I easily modify the pdf generation code without modifying core code, through the use of the custom or dev folders?
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8697


    Did you try using triple braces {{{description}}} ?

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    • alexmiller
      • Jun 2018
      • 32

      yuri awesome thank you for that nugget if sweet information!

