Often when I look at the definition of Enum fields in the entity manager there is a long delay before it will load (or I have to reload the page to get it to finish). I noticed that the following shows up in the log. I haven't changed anything with the entity, so why is it trying to build the schema just from viewing the field?

I'm also unsure why it lists all of those as dependent entities, as this is a custom entity with a relationship to the Account but not to most of the others listed.

[2018-05-24 18:38:45] Espo.DEBUG: Schema\Converter - Start: building schema [] []
[2018-05-24 18:38:45] Espo.DEBUG: Rebuild Database for entities: [FormCampaign] with dependent entities: [FormCampaign, EmailAddress, PhoneNumber, FormLead, Task, Contact, GoogleContactsPair, Quote, Team, InboundEmail, Email, Account, CallCampaign, CallLead, Call, GoogleCalendar, Meet
ing, Lead, Document, Attachment, User, TermsOfService, Report, ReportCategory, TargetList, MassEmail, EmailQueueItem, Campaign, CampaignTrackingUrl, CampaignLogRecord, Opportunity, OpportunityItem, Product, ProductCategory, ProductBrand, EmailTemplate, Note, Portal, KnowledgeBaseArtic
le, KnowledgeBaseCategory, Case, PortalRole, Preferences, Role, DocumentFolder, GoogleCalendarUser, GoogleCalendarRecurrentEvent, QuoteItem, EmailAccount, EmailFolder, EmailFilter, ShippingProvider, Tax] [] []
[2018-05-24 18:38:46] Espo.DEBUG: DBAL: Table [call_lead] exists. [] []
[2018-05-24 18:38:46] Espo.DEBUG: DBAL: Table [entity_team] exists. [] []
[2018-05-24 18:38:46] Espo.DEBUG: Schema\Converter - End: building schema [] []

Thanks for your help.