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Custom Entities in eMail Template

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  • Custom Entities in eMail Template

    I was wondering how to implement custom entities in an email template.
    Although I have the ability to insert custom entities into the email template, I don't see how to assign these custom entities to the email.
    Right now if I send out that eMail the placeholders will not get replaced.

    Is there a way that I don't see or would it make sense if I add a custom field to the email that automatically the "assigned" form would be extended to these entities instead of only showing "contact, opportunity and account"?

    Edit: The problem is that I have a contact who can be assigned to the email without a problem of course using the given field "contact".
    But this contact has different entities related to him like "Houses" and "Cars".
    Now I want to relate in the email template to fields of one of his houses and one of his cars.

    So Basically I would need three different "assigned to" fields for "contact" (I already have that of course), "house" and "car".
    What would be the proper way to implement this?

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by phil; 05-18-2018, 10:53 AM.

  • #2
    You can add this entity to Email parent - entity list.
    Administration > Entity Manager > Email > Fields > parent


    • #3
      Thanks, Tanya.
      But how would I combine multiple relations?
      Basically I would need to set a related "car" and a "house" but not just one parent.


      • #4
        What is the main parent of email? Contact?
        How does house and car related with this parent entity?


        • #5
          Everything is related to the "Contact".
          Every contact can have several "Houses" and "Cars".
          So Houses and Cars are separate entities that are related to the contacts and they are shown in their own table on the contact page and have their own page too.
          Therefore the perfect way would be to select a contact and then their house from a list of their houses and a car from a list of their cars.
          Obviously there is no way to know which house and which car the email template should pick right now.
          So if I could add several types (contact, house, car) to the email template that would work.


          • #6
            If you use in template only one house or only one car, use this entity as parent. Contact fields will be available in template (scroll field list)


            • #7
              That is pretty helpful, thank you!

