I have created a custom modal as if the report was modal. The available fields can be parameterized. I can not do this at meetings.
For example;
For example;
actionCreate: function (data) { this.createView('createModal', 'crm:views/meeting/modals/create', {}, function (view) { view.render(); this.listenToOnce(view, 'create', function (data) { view.close(); this.getRouter().dispatch('Meeting', 'create', { status: data.status, returnUrl: this.lastUrl || '#' + this.scope, returnDispatchParams: { controller: this.scope, action: null, options: { isReturn: true } } }); this.getRouter().navigate('#Meeting/create/status=' + data.status, {trigger: false}); }, this); }); }
create: function (options) { options = options || {}; options.attributes = options.attributes || {}; if ('parent' in options) { options.attributes.parent = options.parent; } Dep.prototype.create.call(this, options); }
actionCreate: function (data) { this.createView('createModal', 'crm:views/meeting/modals/create', {}, function (view) { view.render(); this.listenToOnce(view, 'create', function (data) { view.close(); this.getRouter().dispatch('Meeting', 'create', { parent: data.parent, returnUrl: this.lastUrl || '#' + this.scope, returnDispatchParams: { controller: this.scope, action: null, options: { isReturn: true } } }); this.getRouter().navigate('#Meeting/create/parent=' + data.parent, {trigger: false}); }, this); }); }
events: { 'click #send': function (e) { var parent = 'Contact'; this.trigger('create', { parent: parent }); } }, setup: function () { this.buttonList = [ { name: 'cancel', label: 'Cancel', onClick: function (dialog) { dialog.close(); } } ]; this.header = this.translate('Create Meeting', 'labels', 'Meeting'); }