In Product, I have 2 products named->
1. Afrobat Rider belongs to category A
2. Afrobat Rider belongs to category B
In Quotes, on clicking product name, the dialog displays these 2 Afrobat Rider.
I need to display Afrobat Rider only once. No duplicates. Because I have another field in quote to select category.
And product dialog displays only name. So duplicates names should not be there.
How can I achieve this?
Please help.
1. Afrobat Rider belongs to category A
2. Afrobat Rider belongs to category B
In Quotes, on clicking product name, the dialog displays these 2 Afrobat Rider.
I need to display Afrobat Rider only once. No duplicates. Because I have another field in quote to select category.
And product dialog displays only name. So duplicates names should not be there.
How can I achieve this?
Please help.