Is there a way to turn off stream announcements for document uploads and emails where the role of the item is set to team or own? I've got an issue where I have some sensitive documents that I've set role to team only visible/editable which works well for the document tree, document list view, and when attached to an account. The problem is that the stream updates include the names and who uploaded the documents for all users to see. An unauthorized user is unable to view the actual document, but we may have an issue if there is a document title that is also sensitive.
What is the best way to handle sensitive documents? Currently, I have created folders which are set to team users and the documents themselves are set to team users. This is working, but is there a better way to increase security for these items?
What is the best way to handle sensitive documents? Currently, I have created folders which are set to team users and the documents themselves are set to team users. This is working, but is there a better way to increase security for these items?