1. Can i remove information about ESPO from footer if i pay for advanced pack?
2. Can i add some text in footer after ESPO copyright? For example contact information to admin?
3. I create portal for clients and i want create new design for portal. License require from me to put Espo Copyright in footer, right?
4. I want to put portal on custom domain, i already do some research in forum, i saw few posts, but i still cant configure own domain, so i ask here:
I have domains: office.domain.com, where i have ESPO, and dashboard.domain.com, where i want to create custom portal. I need to redirect domain to folder with espo? Create some rewrites in htaccess or what? I already try some "solutions", but i cant configure portal on different domain.
5. On this portal i allow clients to create tasks, but when client create task i don't have any notifications and task is not assign to anybody. Is there any chance to assign those tasks to user automatically or create default user for those task?

1. Can i remove information about ESPO from footer if i pay for advanced pack?
2. Can i add some text in footer after ESPO copyright? For example contact information to admin?
3. I create portal for clients and i want create new design for portal. License require from me to put Espo Copyright in footer, right?
4. I want to put portal on custom domain, i already do some research in forum, i saw few posts, but i still cant configure own domain, so i ask here:
I have domains: office.domain.com, where i have ESPO, and dashboard.domain.com, where i want to create custom portal. I need to redirect domain to folder with espo? Create some rewrites in htaccess or what? I already try some "solutions", but i cant configure portal on different domain.
5. On this portal i allow clients to create tasks, but when client create task i don't have any notifications and task is not assign to anybody. Is there any chance to assign those tasks to user automatically or create default user for those task?