Few questions about license and DEV

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  • emillod
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 1449

    Few questions about license and DEV

    1. Can i remove information about ESPO from footer if i pay for advanced pack?
    2. Can i add some text in footer after ESPO copyright? For example contact information to admin?
    3. I create portal for clients and i want create new design for portal. License require from me to put Espo Copyright in footer, right?
    4. I want to put portal on custom domain, i already do some research in forum, i saw few posts, but i still cant configure own domain, so i ask here:
    I have domains: office.domain.com, where i have ESPO, and dashboard.domain.com, where i want to create custom portal. I need to redirect domain to folder with espo? Create some rewrites in htaccess or what? I already try some "solutions", but i cant configure portal on different domain.
    5. On this portal i allow clients to create tasks, but when client create task i don't have any notifications and task is not assign to anybody. Is there any chance to assign those tasks to user automatically or create default user for those task?
  • AlexAv
    EspoCRM Team
    • May 2014
    • 124

    1. No it's restricted by License.
    2. Yes
    3. Yes you need to add EspoCRM copyright
    4. Apache conf and mod rewrite
    5. Available in WorkFlow (Apply assigned rule, Round Robin)
    Last edited by AlexAv; 05-22-2017, 09:28 AM.


    • emillod
      Active Community Member
      • Apr 2017
      • 1449

      Thanks for your reply!
      I have just one question to point 4.
      Do you have any guide or any instruction to configure mod rewrite and apache?

