Fresh Desk Support Widget / Code getting wiped out.

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  • Clintre
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2016
    • 29

    Fresh Desk Support Widget / Code getting wiped out.

    We use Fresh Desk for our ticketing system for both our employees and clients and have used it across several sites. We use the widget code to add a support tab (example below).

    The problem is, I added it to the main.html and while the tab will show for a split second it is gone when the app loads. I have tried a few other places, but it seems to get wiped out no matter what. Is there a way or place to add custom scripts like this so that it will get loaded and show the tab?

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    FreshWidget.init("", {"queryString": "&widgetType=popup&screenshot=no&searchArea=no&res ponsive=no", "utf8": "✓", "widgetType": "popup", "buttonType": "text", "buttonText": "Support", "buttonColor": "black", "buttonBg": "#f1f1f1", "alignment": "3", "offset": "300px", "formHeight": "500px", "screenshot": "no", "responsive": "no", "url": "https://helpdeskurl.removed"} );
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8698

    You can try client/src/views/site/navbar.js in afterRender method.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.

