I have a custom side-panel view :
and in the controller :
now when I click on anytime in the list view it redirects me but I can't see my values , however if I refreshed it appears, so what am missing here since it only works on refresh , and sometimes after multiple clicks on the item from the list view?
Espo.define('custom:views/section/panel', 'views/record/panels/default-side', function (Dep) { return Dep.extend({ template: "custom:section/sub", setup: function () { Dep.prototype.setup.call(this); }, data: function () { var data = Dep.prototype.data.call(this); data.subSectionsArray = this.model.get("subSections"); return data; } }); });
public function actionRead($params, $data, $request) { $res = parent::actionRead($params,$data,$request); $res['subSections'] = [["id"=> 1,"name"=> "test"]]; return $res; }