help with email configuration

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  • ulises_lima
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2016
    • 3

    help with email configuration

    Hi everyone,

    First of all, sorry for my bad english,

    We have recently installed espoCRM in our hosting provider, and we're having some issues with the mail configuration.

    - There's no problem with the configuration of the mail accounts provided by our hosting. We are able to send an recieve mails in espo.

    - We also have some email accounts provided by our hosting, but with a different domain name. This domain name is an aditional domain, and espo allows us to recieve mails but not send, and gives us an error like that:

    [2016-07-30 17:03:23] Espo.ERROR: API [POST]:/:controller, Params:Array ( [controller] => Email ) , InputData: {"status":"Sending","isRead":true,"isImportant":fa lse,"inTrash":false,"isUsers":false,"isHtml":true, "isSystem":false,"isJustSent":false,"assignedUserI d":"5799ed5ba9b0bdec4","assignedUserName":"Cristin a Lacasta","body":"<p><br>prueba 19:02</p><br><p><br></p>","attachmentsIds":[],"attachmentsNames":{},"attachmentsTypes":{},"to": "","subject":"prueba 19:02","bodyPlain":"\nprueba 19:02\n\n\n\n\n\n","from":"cmlacasta@franklincovey","cc":"","bcc":"","parentType":"Accou nt","parentName":null,"parentId":null,"selectTempl ateName":null,"selectTemplateId":null} - Incorrect authentication data [] []

    We think its an error from our hosting provider, but we dont know how to solve it.

    - Any other email account from outside our host provider (even free ones like gmail) is not able to send or recieve mails from espo, and gives this error:

    [2016-07-29 08:45:32] Espo.ERROR: CronManager: Failed job running, job [579b1535e896c786b]. Error Details: Job CheckEmailAccounts 5798fea592c38dd71: [0] cannot connect to host ; error = fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Connection timed out) (errno = 0 ) [] []

    We are not programmers or developers, and we are so lost with these issues. Maybe any member of this communuty can help us or gives us any tip to try to solve them.

    Thanks in advance!!
  • iscon
    Active Community Member
    • May 2014
    • 187

    I doubt that Espo (or any other modern application) can handle POP accounts any more. Try to test with IMAP and you will see it works. Your log states an authetication problem. You should also check the port you are using (for fetching mails) - even if POP works it should be (as per standard) 110 or 995 and not 993.

    In order to test you should try the exact same configuration as entered in Espo with another mail client like Thunderbird.

    Unfortunately email problems tend to have many possible fathers...
    Robert Laussegger
    iscon group


    • yuri
      • Mar 2014
      • 8698


      POP really is not supported by EspoCRM.
      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


      • ulises_lima
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2016
        • 3

        Thank u guys for your quick answer. It has to be a pop issue, we're trying to figure out the problem.

        The point is that the in the instructions of our provider, the imap servers appears as "pop.domain.EXT" for recieving mails

        We're going to open a ticket and ask them for this question.

        Thanks again guys, and thanks for ur amazing work with espo


        • ulises_lima
          Junior Member
          • Aug 2016
          • 3

          Hi again guys,

          we're unable to set the email accounts right in espo, hope u can give us a hand with this issue.

          Let me put here the screenshot of the mail settings of our provider. As you can see, imap settings run through '' and port 993. Thats how we confire the mail settings in espo and keeps giving us 500 error (timeout). Sorry, the screenshot is in spanish.

          Same qith the smtp settings. We cant send or recieve mails with this account.

          With these settings, our mail accounts run perfectly in the free version of espo in your cloud -the two users limited one-. We're testing it and we can send and recieve mails.

          Maybe you can give us some advice about how we can solve this issue.

          Thanks in advance!!!

