LinkMultipleWithRole + Relationship panels

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  • alasdaircr
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2014
    • 525

    LinkMultipleWithRole + Relationship panels


    I've created an entity which tracks attendance at events via Eventbrite.

    Currently I've modelled this on the Meeting entity - so I use the panel on the right hand side to show the attendance status. However with a lot of attendees, the list becomes challenging to understand. I want to show the company name between the 'name' and 'role' columns. I'm storing attendance status 'Attending, Checked-In, Absent' as a 'role'. However this is not easy without heavily modifying the linkMultipleWithRole view & the linkMultiple field type, and I don't want to do that!

    I just thought of another option, use the relationship panels underneath the detail. So I enabled Contact / Leads as relationship panels. This is great and I can set a bespoke list layout.

    But... the attendance ('role') is not being fetched by the call to /api/v1/Event/573493755dbad3ef5/leads?primaryFilter=&maxSize=5&offset=0&sortBy=cre atedAt&asc=false

    So I'm stuck not knowing what is the easiest approach to take

    Could do with some help here
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8697


    Take Users panel for Team as an example.
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    • alasdaircr
      Active Community Member
      • Aug 2014
      • 525

      Amazing - thanks so much Yuri

      this is the magic

          protected $linkSelectParams = array(

