In createView, I add a property, multiple: true. When I select multiple items, I get an error, "product.get is not a function" in the console. I ran iteration in listentoonce, this.selectProduct(model[i]);, but then I get error of "cannot set property 'checked' of undefined.
add multiple items to quoteitem
add multiple items to quoteitem
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How can I add multiple items from the view rendered? I either get an error, "product.get is not a function", or if I run a loop with the model in the name directory, only the last item on the view rendered is set on the itemlist. -
When multiple is set true, then it becomes an array. I ran an iteration:
PHP Code:this.createView('dialog','Modals.SelectRecords',{ scope:'Task', createButton:false, primaryFilterName:'completed', multiple:true },function(view){ view.render(); this.notify(false); this.listenToOnce(view,'select',function(model){ model.forEach(function(m){ this.selectProduct(m); },this); },this); }.bind(this));