Hello everyone!
I'm a new Espo user and developer. I've been exploring the creation of extensions and i'm stuck on one particular issue. I am using the Espo `ext-template` repository as a starter. I can install my extension with no issues and things work well, except for adding my custom field to a layout automatically on installation.
For some context, all I'm doing in my extension is the following:
- Create a new field called `example` in the `Account` entity (custom/Espo/Modules/ExampleExt/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Account.json)
- Have some localised values for the field (custom/Espo/Modules/ExampleExt/Resources/i18n/{locale}/Account.json)
With this setup, I have to manually add the field to Account's Details layout. I want my extension to do it instead, so that it's added when installed, and removed when uninstalled.
So far, I have tried the following:
- Add it to the Layout through the GUI
- Copy the changes in custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/layouts/Account/detail.json and paste them in my extension at custom/Espo/Modules/ExampleExt/Resources/metadata/layouts/Account/detail.json
But this does not seem to work. Is there something I'm missing?
Thank you!
I'm a new Espo user and developer. I've been exploring the creation of extensions and i'm stuck on one particular issue. I am using the Espo `ext-template` repository as a starter. I can install my extension with no issues and things work well, except for adding my custom field to a layout automatically on installation.
For some context, all I'm doing in my extension is the following:
- Create a new field called `example` in the `Account` entity (custom/Espo/Modules/ExampleExt/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Account.json)
- Have some localised values for the field (custom/Espo/Modules/ExampleExt/Resources/i18n/{locale}/Account.json)
With this setup, I have to manually add the field to Account's Details layout. I want my extension to do it instead, so that it's added when installed, and removed when uninstalled.
So far, I have tried the following:
- Add it to the Layout through the GUI
- Copy the changes in custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/layouts/Account/detail.json and paste them in my extension at custom/Espo/Modules/ExampleExt/Resources/metadata/layouts/Account/detail.json
But this does not seem to work. Is there something I'm missing?
Thank you!