When I will create a custom field type like the documentation, I get following error:

The json-File: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/fields/fieldcomb.json:
The Javascript-File: client/custom/src/views/fields/fieldcomb.js
At the first step, i will use the default templates. I also test it with own template, i get the same result.
I add the feid to a test entity with the name CTest over the Administration-Panel:
Layout: ./custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/layouts/CTest/detail.json
Entity: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/CTest.json:
What's my mistake? Doas someone have an idea?
The json-File: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/fields/fieldcomb.json:
{ "view": "custom:views/fields/fieldcomb" }
define(['views/fields/base'], (BaseFieldView) => { return class extends BaseFieldView { // Templates for all view modes. // detailTemplateContent = ` ... `; // listTemplateContent = ` ... `; // editTemplateContent = ` ... `; // searchTemplateContent = ` ... `; setup() {} afterRender() {} } });
I add the feid to a test entity with the name CTest over the Administration-Panel:
Layout: ./custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/layouts/CTest/detail.json
[ { "rows": [ [ { "name": "name" }, { "name": "fieldCombTest" } ] ], "style": "default", "label": "Overview" } ]
{ "fields": { ... "fieldCombTest": { "type": "fieldcomb", "isCustom": true } ...
What's my mistake? Doas someone have an idea?