Show Portal Users the converted opportunities based on their owned leads

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  • rahulmittal2099
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2024
    • 1

    Show Portal Users the converted opportunities based on their owned leads

    My setup:
    0. Using only two basic entities - Leads and Opportunities. Leads and converted to Opportunities.
    1. Portal users (agents) can submit leads. They cannot create Opportunities or convert leads to Opportunities.
    2. Auto/Manual assign those leads to Regular Users/Counsellors
    2. Regular users (counsellors) will either reject them or convert them to an Opportunity and start working on them through multiple stages.

    What I want is:
    1. For Portal users to be able to see only the leads they have created.
    This is done. Used Portal Role :: Agent -> Leads: Read=Own

    2. For Portal users to be able to see the opportunities , but only the ones that were converted from the leads they created.
    This is where am stuck at. How to setup permissions for this?
  • emillod
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 1449

    Hello rahulmittal2099
    If you're using portal users, then maybe you can assign portal user contact to each opportunity? Thanks to this you should be able to add access only to the opportunities which are assigned based on the contact and that's it.

    Other option is to customize ACL for portal, but it would require some coding.

