I search a way to show information from a databse-view or a json file in a ESPO-View. Does someone have an idea?
... who can we show a databse-view or json file in ESPO
Ok, I think a found a way. At the first, I found this thread in the forum: https://forum.espocrm.com/forum/deve...vbar-menu-item
And this works fine, when you use it with following CustomMenu.json:
Code:{ "entity": false, "tab": true, "acl": "boolean", "aclPortal": true, "aclActionList": ["read", "edit"], "aclActionLevelListMap": { "edit": ["own", "no"] }, "aclPortalLevelList": [ "account", "own", "no" ], "disabled": false, "module": "Custom", "isCustom": true, "customizable": false, "object": true }