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View container full width

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  • View container full width

    Hi there!

    Is there any easy way to expand list and record view to full width of a screen? On some entities we need this to be done, this it become even more true with high resolution monitors, where about 35-40% of a screen is just blank spaces on the sides.

  • #2
    Is that what you mean?

    RESOLVED. Hi, is there a way to fix it and use a whole screen? Mostly on the right side of the detail view, please guide me on how to set it back to use 100% (or close to it) Thanks Same behavior on Safari/Firefox (Desktop only), layout is perfect on mobile. Update: After few minutes issue persists only on Safari Thanks


    • a.slyzhko
      a.slyzhko commented
      Editing a comment
      That is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

  • #3
    I’ve had the same issue with apps taking up only part of the screen, especially with high-res monitors. What works for me is using the “full screen” or “expand” options if the app has them. If not, you can usually drag the window edges to make it wider. Sometimes, diving into the settings to customize the layout helps too.

