Trying to understand the client-side code although I'm not experienced with backbonejs. I'm trying to use the createview function for added fields such as, 'hourlyRate' in the matters entity, and 'tot-hours' in the task entity. Wondering if I'm in the ballpark as far my code below being correct and able to use in the setup function?
Espo.define('Advanced: Views.QuoteItem.Fields.HourlyRate', 'Views.Fields.Currency', function (Dep) { return Dep.extend({ detailTemplated: 'fields.float.edit', fetch: function(){ var value = this.$element.val(); value = this.parse(value); var data = {}; data[] = value; return data; } }); });
this.createView('hourlyRate','Advanced: QuoteItem.Fields.HourlyRate'){ model: this.model, defs: { name: 'hourlyRate' }, mode: this.mode, el: this.options.el + ' .field-hourlyrate', inlineEditDisabled: true }, function (view) { this.listenTo(view,'change',function () { setTimeout(function () { this.trigger('change'); }.bind(this),50); }, this); }.bind(this)); }
Espo.define('Advanced:Views.QuoteItem.Fields.TotHours','Views.Fields.Float', function (Dep) { return Dep.extend({ detailTemplated: 'fields.float.edit', fetch: function() { var value = this.$element.value(); value = this.parse(value); var data = {}; data[] = value; return data; }); });
Espo.define('Advanced:QuoteItem.Fields.TotHours',function (Dep) { this.createView('tot_hours','Advanced:QuoteItem.Fields.TotHours'){ model: this.model, defs: { name:'tot_hours' }, mode: this.mode, el: this.options.el + '.field-tot_hours', inlineEditDisabled: true }, function (view) { this.listenTo(view,'change',function() { setTimeout(function () { this.trigger('change'); }.bind(this),50); },this); }.bind(this)); });