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Quote entity->Items. Select any entity from the QuoteItem->"up" arrow interface

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  • Quote entity->Items. Select any entity from the QuoteItem->"up" arrow interface

    In the Quote entity, there is a "Items" section, there is "pencil" image that when click, I can add another item. After clicking the "+" sign to add another item, I can select a Product entity. What I want to be able to do, is select any other entity when I click the "up" arrow. For example, if I want to be able to add something from the Task entity from the "up" arrow in the invoice, I able to select Task entity to the left, and columns of task are visible to the right the same way the Product is. I don't want to delete ability to select Product from the Quote entity->Items. I want to select any entity. How would I go about doing that?

  • #2
    It's not so simple. I can just suggest to look to source code and try to customize it.


    • #3
      yuri What source code (file) should I be looking at to cutomize? Would very much appreciate your response.
      Last edited by worldmiros; 01-11-2016, 03:33 PM.


      • worldmiros
        worldmiros commented
        Editing a comment
        Are client\modules\advanced\src\views\quote-item\fields\names.js and application\espo\modules\advanced\hooks\quote\quot eitem.php the files I should be looking at?

    • #4
      Based on further reading files in the espocrm directory, I may have to create several files(task.json, taskbrand.json, taskcategory.json). Add some coding to files such as, name.js, edit.tpl, details.tpl, and select-record.tpl to do what I want it to do. Am I in the ballpark? And in the product.json, productbrand.json, and productcategory.json files, what is
      "list": "Advanced: Product.List"
      "controller": "Controllers.Record"
      ? And if the code in the code tags above is a directory to some file,method, or object literal, where is that located? In detail.tpl, there is, "<a href='#Entity/view/'>. Where would I locate href in the espocrm directory?
      Last edited by worldmiros; 01-11-2016, 10:29 PM.


      • #5
        yuri What files are responsible for the interface after clicking <span>glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up</span> in the Quote entity->quoteitems. You said I need to look at the source code to customize it, but not sure which files are responsible for the interface to get an idea of what I have to do.


        • #6
          I really don't remember. You can search in file contents by "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up" phrase.


          • #7
            yuri I create Task.json file in the scope directory for the interface to display Tasks' data. Then in name.js, I change the scope to 'Task'. Tasks' data was visible and was able to select after I cleared cached. Listing different entities on the interface is for another day. Right now, I just want to list Tasks' data in the interface to add item. In name.js,
             [COLOR=#000080][B]var [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#458383]viewName [/COLOR]= [COLOR=#000080][B]this[/B][/COLOR].[COLOR=#7a7a43]getMetadata[/COLOR]().[COLOR=#7a7a43]get[/COLOR]([COLOR=#008000][B]''[/B][/COLOR]) || [COLOR=#008000][B]'Modals.SelectCategoryTreeRecords'[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#cc7832];[/COLOR]
            and in the clientDefs, Product.json,
             [COLOR=#660e7a][B]"modalViews"[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#cc7832]: [/COLOR]{     [COLOR=#660e7a][B]"select"[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#cc7832]: [/COLOR][COLOR=#008000][B]"Advanced:Task.Modals.SelectRecords" [/B][/COLOR]}[COLOR=#cc7832],[/COLOR]
            In the json file, is "select" value a file (tpl, js, or php), method, class, etc? And 'Modals.SelectCategoryTreeRecords', is that also a file or something else?
            Last edited by worldmiros; 01-15-2016, 09:26 PM.


            • #8
              yuri After changing the scope of the interface to Task in name.js, I want to only allow user to select tasks for status that are completed or billed. How would I go about doing that?


              • #9
                It's not so simple. Needs thinking.


                • #10
                  You can make your custom primaryFilter be applied in select popup. See how 'Active' filters is applied for assigned user field.


                  • #11
                    yuri I manage to set the quantity to tot_hours(task scope/entity) in name.js file for quoteitem. I have self created field called, "hourlyRate" in the matters entity, and want to set that value to listprice and unitprice. The relationship with matters to task, is parent-to-child. To get it, would it be?
                    var obj = this.model.parent.get('hourlyRate');
                    Last edited by worldmiros; 01-25-2016, 04:48 PM. Reason: made progress


                    • #12
                      yuri In matters entity, it's parent-to-child for matters => task entities. When I change the scope in name.js, I was able assign quantity to a created field in task entity called, tot_hours. I want to be able to retrieve hourlyRate in the matters, and due to the parent-to-child relationship with matters and task, I thought it will be possible to retrieve the field from matters entity some way in name.js file. Just don't how it's achievable.


                      • #13
                        You need to load parent model

                        PHP Code:
                        this.getModelFactory().get(parentType, function (parentModel) {
                        this.listenToOnce(parentModel'sync', function () {
                        someFieldValue parentModel.get('someField');


                        • #14
                          I've been searching how to create a button via the forum, so I can add one to perform an action during the scope being viewed in QuoteItems. To do, is it the code below?
                           'label':'Select Scope',
                          I wrote the code above in the setup function, error occurs as follow, "​Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'buttons' of undefined".
                          Last edited by worldmiros; 01-28-2016, 04:44 PM.


                          • #15
                            In name.js, scope is viewed. How can I create my custom button on the scope? I know when I change, createButton: true, a button is displayed that when clicked initiates creating an account, task, call, or whatever the scope is.

