In the Quote entity, there is a "Items" section, there is "pencil" image that when click, I can add another item. After clicking the "+" sign to add another item, I can select a Product entity. What I want to be able to do, is select any other entity when I click the "up" arrow. For example, if I want to be able to add something from the Task entity from the "up" arrow in the invoice, I able to select Task entity to the left, and columns of task are visible to the right the same way the Product is. I don't want to delete ability to select Product from the Quote entity->Items. I want to select any entity. How would I go about doing that?
Quote entity->Items. Select any entity from the QuoteItem->"up" arrow interface
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yuri What source code (file) should I be looking at to cutomize? Would very much appreciate your response.Last edited by worldmiros; 01-11-2016, 03:33 PM.Comment
Based on further reading files in the espocrm directory, I may have to create several files(task.json, taskbrand.json, taskcategory.json). Add some coding to files such as, name.js, edit.tpl, details.tpl, and select-record.tpl to do what I want it to do. Am I in the ballpark? And in the product.json, productbrand.json, and productcategory.json files, what isCode:"list": "Advanced: Product.List" "controller": "Controllers.Record"
Last edited by worldmiros; 01-11-2016, 10:29 PM.Comment
yuri What files are responsible for the interface after clicking <span>glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up</span> in the Quote entity->quoteitems. You said I need to look at the source code to customize it, but not sure which files are responsible for the interface to get an idea of what I have to do.Comment
yuri I create Task.json file in the scope directory for the interface to display Tasks' data. Then in name.js, I change the scope to 'Task'. Tasks' data was visible and was able to select after I cleared cached. Listing different entities on the interface is for another day. Right now, I just want to list Tasks' data in the interface to add item. In name.js,
Code:[COLOR=#000080][B]var [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#458383]viewName [/COLOR]= [COLOR=#000080][B]this[/B][/COLOR].[COLOR=#7a7a43]getMetadata[/COLOR]().[COLOR=#7a7a43]get[/COLOR]([COLOR=#008000][B]''[/B][/COLOR]) || [COLOR=#008000][B]'Modals.SelectCategoryTreeRecords'[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#cc7832];[/COLOR]
Code:[COLOR=#660e7a][B]"modalViews"[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#cc7832]: [/COLOR]{ [COLOR=#660e7a][B]"select"[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#cc7832]: [/COLOR][COLOR=#008000][B]"Advanced:Task.Modals.SelectRecords" [/B][/COLOR]}[COLOR=#cc7832],[/COLOR]
Last edited by worldmiros; 01-15-2016, 09:26 PM.Comment
You can make your custom primaryFilter be applied in select popup. See how 'Active' filters is applied for assigned user field.If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.Comment
yuri I manage to set the quantity to tot_hours(task scope/entity) in name.js file for quoteitem. I have self created field called, "hourlyRate" in the matters entity, and want to set that value to listprice and unitprice. The relationship with matters to task, is parent-to-child. To get it, would it be?
Code:var obj = this.model.parent.get('hourlyRate');
yuri In matters entity, it's parent-to-child for matters => task entities. When I change the scope in name.js, I was able assign quantity to a created field in task entity called, tot_hours. I want to be able to retrieve hourlyRate in the matters, and due to the parent-to-child relationship with matters and task, I thought it will be possible to retrieve the field from matters entity some way in name.js file. Just don't how it's achievable.Comment
You need to load parent model
PHP Code:this.getModelFactory().get(parentType, function (parentModel) { = parentId;
this.listenToOnce(parentModel, 'sync', function () {
var someFieldValue = parentModel.get('someField');
this.model.set('someField', someFieldValue);
}, this);
}, this);
If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.Comment
I've been searching how to create a button via the forum, so I can add one to perform an action during the scope being viewed in QuoteItems. To do, is it the code below?{ 'label':'Select Scope', 'action':'SelectScope', 'acl':'read' });
Last edited by worldmiros; 01-28-2016, 04:44 PM.Comment
In name.js, scope is viewed. How can I create my custom button on the scope? I know when I change, createButton: true, a button is displayed that when clicked initiates creating an account, task, call, or whatever the scope is.Comment