Creating entity while filling link field, resulting in beig null

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  • Firyo
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2022
    • 137

    Creating entity while filling link field, resulting in beig null

    Hi there,

    I currently am facing an issue I never had in the past.
    Here is the process (and the problem) in question.

    My Entity "Test" (for the example) is saved,
    I check in its "beforeSave" hook something, if "true", I call a method inside the record Service of the entity "TestNumTwo"

    This method take the "Test" entity id in its parameters.
    Then, I create a "TestNumTwo" new entity and link it to my "Test" entity.

    After saving, no error nor warning are thrown BUT the 2 entities aren't linked at all.
    The field "test_id" in the DB is empty and my "TestNumTwo" is created without the link.

    I tried 2 differents ways to create my "TestNumTwo" entity (in order to check if something different would happen).

    First one
    PHP Code:
    $this->entityManager->createEntity('TestNumTwo', [
    'name' => $name,
    'description' => $description,
    'context' => $context,
    'testId' => $entityId// "Test" entity id here
    'createdById' => $createdBy
    The one I tried to do (with no different result)
    PHP Code:
    $testNumTwo $this->entityManager



    What did I do wrong and how should I fix it ?


  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8696

    If it's v8.2 (or higher for those who read in the future), check the real name of the link. Maybe it's cTest.
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    • Firyo
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2022
      • 137

      Hi Yuri,

      I have the 8.1.4


      • Firyo
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2022
        • 137

        Well, after hours of debugging (with the great help of Xdebug) I found it was because this process (which was part of our legacy code) was placed in the "beforeSave" hook but should have been placed inside the "afterSave" from the start.

        I also discovered the "->getFetched" function inside "Espo/ORM/Entity"

