Filter Help with subquery

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  • czcpf
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 160

    Filter Help with subquery



    I'm implementing a custom Filter as shown below. Here I'm using a $subQuery to retrieve the 'latest' LaserComplianceReport by accountId where the 'latest' report is determined by the createdAt field. The subquery ideally would return a single id of the `latest` LaserComplianceReport in the database. The full query then only returns LaserComplianceTasks whose LaserComplianceReportId is 'in' the result of the subquery.

    Problem Description

    This works fine except for the scenario when two LaserComplianceReports exists in the database with the identical createdAt. Since my database only stores createdAt down to the millisecond (ie 2024-04-25 18:42:52) it is possible that two LaserComplianceReports are created down to the same millisecond. If this occurs the subquery below returns a list of more than 1 id.

    What I've Tried

    I tried using select("MAXid)") instead of select("id") in the subquery but that did not appear to work to make sure it only returned 1 result. It worked sometimes and other times the filter returned 0 results.

    I also tried adding ->limit(0,1) to the subquery to always limit the result to 1 in case two LaserComplianceReports had the same createdAt date but mysql doesn't allow you to add limit to a subquery...

    Could someone help me adjust either my subquery or query so that only 1 LaserComplianceReportId comes back even if two reports have the same createdAt date?

    PHP Code:
    namespace Espo\Modules\MyModule\Classes\Select\LaserComplianceTask\PrimaryFilters;
    use Espo\{
        ORM\Query\Part\Condition as Cond,
        ORM\Query\SelectBuilder as QueryBuilder
    class Latest implements Filter
        public function apply(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder): void
            // a list of id's of only the most recent laser compliance reports trick to limit only 1 result
            // MAX:(id) is used in case two compliance Reports have the same createdAt date
            // not working on production server. need to come up with another way to limit to 1 result if same createAt
            $subQuery = QueryBuilder::create()
                ->leftJoin(LaserComplianceReport::ENTITY_TYPE, "cr2", [
                    "cr2.accountId:" => "accountId",
                    "cr2.createdAt>:" => "createdAt",
                    "cr2.deleted" => false,
                    "cr2.createdAt" => null,
                    Cond::in(Cond::column("laserComplianceReportId"), $subQuery)
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8657

    Hi, It's more SQL-related question rather than Espo. Maybe try to craft an SQL that will work for you then replicate it with the query builder.

    Maybe EXISTS sub-query will work for you?

    Doesn't these two conflict with each other?

    "cr2.createdAt>:" => "createdAt"
    "cr2.createdAt" => null,
    BTW, distinct is not needed when you use a sub-query where-clause.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • yuri
      • Mar 2014
      • 8657

      You might also need to use 'laserComplianceTask.accountId' in your sub-query.
      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


      • yuri
        yuri commented
        Editing a comment
        You can also use LEFT JOIN sub-query. It should support LIMIT.
    • czcpf
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2022
      • 160

      Thank you for your comments. I've been testing MYSQL queries and the following one works. It will select the id's corresponding to each account's non-deleted latest laser compliance report. Here, even if there is a duplicate row with the same createdAt date time it will still only return a single record. The only bit I cannot get into query builder is

      WHERE (cr1.account_id, cr1.created_at) IN ... maybe you can help there? This is where condition using two columns

      FROM laser_compliance_report AS cr1
      WHERE IN
         SELECT MAX(id)
         FROM laser_compliance_report
         WHERE (cr1.account_id, cr1.created_at) IN
            SELECT account_id, MAX(created_at)
            FROM laser_compliance_report
            WHERE deleted = false
            GROUP BY account_id
         GROUP BY account_id, created_at


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8657

        Row constructor is supported:
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


        • czcpf
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2022
          • 160

          Thank you so much for your help. For anyone else. Here is the full apply filter code

          PHP Code:
          namespace Espo\Modules\MyModule\Classes\Select\ComplianceReport\PrimaryFilters;
          use Espo\{
              ORM\Query\SelectBuilder as QueryBuilder,
              ORM\Query\Part\Condition as Cond,
          class Latest implements Filter
              private EntityManager $entityManager;
              private Log $log;
              public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager, Log $log)
                  $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
                  $this->log = $log;
              public function apply(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder): void
                  //we want to select the latest, non-deleted compliance report for each accountId
                  //the code below will ensure only 1 result comes back for each accountId even if createdAt
                  //is the same for two different compliance reports
                  //MYSQL EXAMPLE
                  //SELECT cr1.*
                  //FROM compliance_report AS cr1
                  //WHERE IN(
                  //   SELECT MAX(id)
                  //   FROM compliance_report
                  //   WHERE (cr1.account_id, cr1.created_at) IN(
                  //      SELECT account_id, MAX(created_at)
                  //      FROM compliance_report
                  //      WHERE deleted = false
                  //      GROUP BY account_id
                  //   )
                  //   GROUP BY account_id, created_at
                  $subQuery1 = QueryBuilder::create()
                      ->select(["accountId", "MAX:(createdAt)"])
                      ->where(["deleted" => false])
                  $subQuery2 = QueryBuilder::create()
                      ->group(["accountId", "createdAt"])
                  //$sql2 = $this->entityManager->getQueryComposer()->compose($subQuery2);
                  //$this->log->warning('Latest.php ComplianceReport - apply() #55 $sql2= ', [$sql2]);
                      "id=s" => $subQuery2,
          Last edited by czcpf; 04-30-2024, 09:22 PM.

