Is there a hook for AfterRead?

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  • aldisa
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2023
    • 28

    Is there a hook for AfterRead?

    I am trying to implement database level encryption at the entity level.

    I can create a `beforeSave` hook on the entity to encrypt data.

    However, I do not see any `afterRead` hook in documentation or code base, where I would decrypt.

    There is a `beforeRead` hook in the RecordService class:

    PHP Code:
         * Read a record by ID. Access control check is performed.
         * @param non-empty-string $id
         * @return TEntity
         * @throws NotFoundSilent If not found.
         * @throws Forbidden If no read access.
        public function read(string $id, ReadParams $params): Entity
            if ($id === '') {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException();
            if (!$this->acl->check($this->entityType, AclTable::ACTION_READ)) {
                throw new ForbiddenSilent();
            $entity = $this->getEntity($id);
            if (!$entity) {
                throw new NotFoundSilent("Record $id does not exist.");
            $this->recordHookManager->processBeforeRead($entity, $params);
            $this->processActionHistoryRecord(Action::READ, $entity);
            return $entity;
    From this, it seems that the `beforeRead` is called after the entity is retrieved from the database, and so decryption in this hook would be workable.

    Am I reading this correctly?

  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8627

    In metadata > recordDefs, for your entity type:

        "beforeReadHookClassNameList": [

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    • aldisa
      aldisa commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you, Yuri!

      Similarly then, by using recordDefs, I can implement encryption by specifying a class in both beforeUpdateHookClassNameList and beforeCreateHookClassNameList?
  • aldisa
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2023
    • 28

    I have implemented a beforeRead hook, but it is not executing.

    PHP Code:
      "beforeReadHookClassNameList": [
    PHP Code:
    namespace Espo\Modules\MyModule\Hooks;
    use Espo\ORM\Entity;
    use Espo\Core\Record\Hook\ReadHook;
    use Espo\Core\Record\ReadParams;
    class BeforeReadHook implements ReadHook
        public function __construct()
           /** log initialization **/
        public function process(Entity $entity, ReadParams $params): void
           /** log read **/
    Then if I run this code, there is no log of the hook getting initialized or processed.
    PHP Code:
    $entity = $entityManager->getEntityById('MyEntity', 'idvalue'); 
    My understanding was that reading an entity using Entity Manager will execute the BeforeRead hook that is defined in the recordDefs.

    Also, since my objective is to decrypt the contents of an encrypted field, I am wondering whether the hook will succeed since the amended entity is not returned. Although I think Objects are handled by reference by default so technically it should.

    yuri please provide input.


    • yuri
      • Mar 2014
      • 8627

      The Record hook affects only reading through the API.

      You can implement the logic in the Entity or in the Repository. You can inject dependencies to the entity constructor.
      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


      • aldisa
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2023
        • 28

        Thanks, yuri.

        I see in the class \Espo\ORM\BaseEntity that it provides the ability to implement
        PHP Code:
        PHP Code:
        custom methods.

        For the custom entity with an encrypted attribute = 'enattr', I can create a custom method as follows:

        PHP Code:
        namespace Espo\Modules\MyModule\Entities;
        use Espo\ORM\BaseEntity;
        use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
        use Espo\ORM\Value\ValueAccessorFactory;
        use Espo\Core\Utils\Crypt;
        class MyEntity extends BaseEntity
            public function __construct(
                string $entityType,
                array $defs,
                ?EntityManager $entityManager = null,
                ?ValueAccessorFactory $valueAccessorFactory = null,
                private Crypt $crypt,
            protected function _setEnattr(string $preparedValue): void
                $encryptedValue = $this->crypt->encrypt($preparedValue);
                $this->setInContainer('enattr', $encryptedValue);
                $this->writtenMap['enattr'] = true;
        The problem is that the 'writtenMap' array is set to private in BaseEntity, and there is a public method <isAttributeWritten> that tests against this value.

        I do not use this method anywhere is my code, but I am concerned whether the ORM functionality relies on this method or not.


        • yuri
          • Mar 2014
          • 8627

          The isAttributeWritten method is used outside of the ORM for quite specific purposes. You can neglect it.
          If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


          • yuri
            • Mar 2014
            • 8627

            BTW you could also extend getFromContainer and setInContainer. Underscore setters and getters is a legacy I would not encourage to use.
            If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


            • aldisa
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2023
              • 28

              In testing, I discovered that the `set` method is used to populate the entity when data is read from the DB. At this point, the encrypted field value is already encrypted, so should not be encrypted again. But when the set method is used to create or update the values in an entity, we need to encrypt.

              My solution to this issue is as follows:

              PHP Code:
                  protected function _setEnattr(string $preparedValue): void
                      $attribute = 'enattr';
                      if ($this->hasFetched($attribute) || $this->isNew()) {
                          $encrypted = $this->crypt->encrypt($preparedValue);
                          $this->setInContainer($attribute, $encrypted);
                      } else {
                          $this->setInContainer($attribute, $preparedValue);
              I will appreciate any input about whether this seems like a appropriate solution, especially within the context of Entity Collections. I am not able to figure out whether all the different ways that data can be queried using the RDBRepository with DataMapper ultimately use the Entity's set method to populate the Entity object with pulled data.


              • aldisa
                aldisa commented
                Editing a comment
                I had not seen your latest suggestion. I think I will encounter this issue in that case as well, but can use the isFetched and isNew tests to decide whether to encrypt in the setInContainer method.
            • aldisa
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2023
              • 28

              This is my final solution (in case someone else is trying to figure this out). I could not use the 'isNew' method, as this returns true when the Entity is being loaded from the database as well. What this means is that encrypted data gets double encrypted when it comes from the database. So I had to resort to unencrypting the data when the 'setFetched' method is used to signify that data has been fetched from the database. As I have several entities that will have specified fields that need to be encrypted, I created an abstract Entity class, and will rely on setting an 'isEncrypted' flag in the entityDefs.

              File: custom/Espo/Custom/Entities/EncryptedEntity.php
              PHP Code:
              namespace Espo\Custom\Entities;
              use Espo\ORM\BaseEntity;
              use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
              use Espo\ORM\Value\ValueAccessorFactory;
              use Espo\Core\Utils\Crypt;
              abstract class EncryptedEntity extends BaseEntity
                  private $isEncrypted;
                  public function __construct(
                      string $entityType,
                      array $defs,
                      ?EntityManager $entityManager = null,
                      ?ValueAccessorFactory $valueAccessorFactory = null,
                      private Crypt $crypt,
                  ) {
                      $this->isEncrypted = [];
                      foreach ($defs['fields'] as $field => $value) {
                          if (array_key_exists('isEncrypted', $value) && $value['isEncrypted']) {
                              $this->isEncrypted[] = $field;
                  protected function setInContainer(string $attribute, $value): void
                      if (in_array($attribute, $this->isEncrypted)) {
                          $value = $this->crypt->encrypt($value);
                      parent::setInContainer($attribute, $value);
                  public function setFetched(string $attribute, $value): void
                      if (in_array($attribute, $this->isEncrypted)) {
                          $value = $this->crypt->decrypt($value);
                          parent::setInContainer($attribute, $value);
                      parent::setFetched($attribute, $value);
                  protected function getFromContainer(string $attribute)
                      $value = parent::getFromContainer($attribute);
                      if (in_array($attribute, $this->isEncrypted)) {
                          return $this->crypt->decrypt($value);
                      return $value;
                  public function getFetched(string $attribute)
                      $value = parent::getFetched($attribute);
                      if (in_array($attribute, $this->isEncrypted) && !is_null($value)) {
                          $value = $this->crypt->decrypt($value);
                      return $value;
              File: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/MyEntity.php
              PHP Code:
                  "fields": {
                      /** other definitions **/
                      "<field name>": {
                        /** field attributes **/
                        "isEncrypted": true
                  "indexes": {
                     /** index definitions **/
              File: custom/Espo/Custom/Entities/MyEntity.php
              PHP Code:
              namespace Espo/Custom/Entities;
              use Espo/Custom/Entities/EncryptedEntity;
              class MyEntity extends EncryptedEntity
              So far, in my testing this implementation is working.

              If anyone has any input or suggestions, please share.

