Hello, as in the screenshot below, how do you get a calculated field you created for an entity to show up in the 'Order' drop-down? My calculated field does not show up there.
Portal Dashlet Order By Custom Field
That is unfortunate. I don't see any reason why sorting would not work given a field definition of entity defs such as the one below where we specified "order". Right now, I have to set the field "notStorable": false, so it creates a database column even though it is 'calculated' in order to get this to work.
Code:"registrationNumberSiteNumber": { "type": "varchar", "notStorable": true, "readOnly": true, "trim": true, "select": { "select": "CONCAT:(rmc.registrationNumber,'-',siteNumber)", "joins": [ [ "RadiationMachineCertificate", "rmc", { "radiationMachineLocation.radiationMachineCertificateId:": "rmc.id", "rmc.deleted": false } ] ] }, "order": { "order": [ ["rmc.registrationNumber","{direction}"], ["siteNumber","{direction}"] ], "joins": [ [ "RadiationMachineCertificate", "rmc", { "radiationMachineLocation.radiationMachineCertificateId:": "rmc.id", "rmc.deleted": false } ] ], "additionalSelect": ["rmc.registrationNumber","radiationMachineLocation.siteNumber"] }, "where": { "LIKE": { "joins": [ [ "RadiationMachineCertificate", "rmc", { "radiationMachineLocation.radiationMachineCertificateId:": "rmc.id", "rmc.deleted": false } ] ], "whereClause": { "CONCAT:(rmc.registrationNumber,'-',siteNumber)*": "{value}" }, "distinct": true }, "NOT LIKE": { "joins": [ [ "RadiationMachineCertificate", "rmc", { "radiationMachineLocation.radiationMachineCertificateId:": "rmc.id", "rmc.deleted": false } ] ], "whereClause": { "CONCAT:(rmc.registrationNumber,'-',siteNumber)!*": "{value}" }, "distinct": true }, "=": { "joins": [ [ "RadiationMachineCertificate", "rmc", { "radiationMachineLocation.radiationMachineCertificateId:": "rmc.id", "rmc.deleted": false } ] ], "whereClause": { "CONCAT:(rmc.registrationNumber,'-',siteNumber)": "{value}" }, "distinct": true }, "<>": { "joins": [ [ "RadiationMachineCertificate", "rmc", { "radiationMachineLocation.radiationMachineCertificateId:": "rmc.id", "rmc.deleted": false } ] ], "whereClause": { "CONCAT:(rmc.registrationNumber,'-',siteNumber)!=": "{value}" }, "distinct": true }, "IS NULL": { "joins": [ [ "RadiationMachineCertificate", "rmc", { "radiationMachineLocation.radiationMachineCertificateId:": "rmc.id", "rmc.deleted": false } ] ], "whereClause": { "CONCAT:(rmc.registrationNumber,'-',siteNumber)=": null }, "distinct": true }, "IS NOT NULL": { "joins": [ [ "RadiationMachineCertificate", "rmc", { "radiationMachineLocation.radiationMachineCertificateId:": "rmc.id", "rmc.deleted": false } ] ], "whereClause": { "CONCAT:(rmc.registrationNumber,'-',siteNumber)!=": null }, "distinct": true } } } },
In most cases notStorable is not sortable. Currently we do not have notSortable parameter. This problem will be solved once such a parameter is introduced. The "order" parameter is not a parameter for a frontend, once it may became hidden. And it's not the only parameter that may have effect on whether the field is sortable.
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