I have a few layouts with a field in the middle area that is a summary value (such as count) of related records, and the related records are shown in a bottom tab. If I add new, relate, or unrelate child records from the bottom tab the value shown for the summary field does not automatically update in the middle panel. As a result I have implemented the following pattern multiple times. My question is if there is a better way to do this? Is there some other hook or event I can listen to in the detail view without having to define a custom bottom view every time?
define("custom:views/custom-detail", ["views/record/detail"], (Dep) => Dep.extend({ bottomView: "custom:views/custom-detail-bottom", setup() { Dep.prototype.setup.call(this); this.listenTo(this, "render", () => { this.model.fetch(); }); }, }));
define("custom:views/custom-detail-bottom", ["views/record/detail-bottom"], (Dep) => Dep.extend({ setupPanels() { Dep.prototype.setupPanels.call(this); this.listenTo(this.model, "after:relate after:unrelate", () => { // reRender() blows away the current tab selection so // we need to grab it first then put it back after const activeTab = this._parentView.currentTab; this._parentView.reRender().then(() => { this._parentView.selectTab(activeTab); }); }); }, }));