how to retrieve the products related to an invoice in custom service

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  • yberges
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2022
    • 177

    how to retrieve the products related to an invoice in custom service

    Hi I'm creating a list mass action, to export invoice data in a txt file. I'm struggeling to retrieve the products related to the invoice. items list is always empty.​
    do you have some exemple ?
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8696


    PHP Code:


    $items $invoice->getItems(); 
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • yberges
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2022
      • 177

      thanks i will try


      • yberges
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2022
        • 177

        Hi, thanks for your help, I have tried to retrieve the related invoice products with these methods but they don't seem to exist. So maybe this doesn't work when using the entity manager ? Here is my code so far. We are currently using version 7.0.10 of EspoCrm.
        namespace Espo\Modules\EcrituresComptables\Services;
        use Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error;
        use Espo\ORM\EntityManager;
        if (!defined('DS'))
        define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
        if (!defined('ABSPATH'))
        define('ABSPATH', dirname(__DIR__));
        class ExportService
        private const FILE = ABSPATH . DS . 'Assets' . DS . 'ecritures.txt';
        private const JOURNAL = '1VT';
        private const CODE_TVA = 4457140000;
        public function __construct(private EntityManager $entityManager)
        public function createExport(array $ids): mixed
        $items = [];
        if (empty($ids))
        throw new Error("Aucune facture n'a été sélectionné");
        foreach ($ids as $i => $id) {
        $item = new \stdClass();
        $addReturn = $i > 0;
        $method = $i === 0 ? 'w' : 'a'; // overwrite on first then add
        $invoice = $this->entityManager->getEntityById('Invoice', $id);
        // todo: find products...
        $item->type = $invoice->get('type');
        $item->nrFacture = $invoice->get('number');
        $item->dateFacture = str_replace('-', '', $invoice->get('dateInvoiced'));
        $item->dateFinFacture = str_replace('-', '', $invoice->get('invoiceLastDatePay'));
        $item->prixTTC = $invoice->get('grandTotalAmount');
        $item->prixHT = $invoice->get('amount');
        $item->prixTVA = $invoice->get('taxAmount');
        $item->participant = $invoice->get('participantName');
        if (!$this->writeFile($this->createEntries($item, $addReturn), $method)) {
        throw new Error("Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier d'export");
        $item->designationCommande = $invoice->get('designationCommande');
        $item->totalConverted = (float)$invoice->get('grandTotalAmountConverted');
        $items[] = $item;
        return $items;
        private function createEntries(object $item, bool $addReturn = false): string
        $entries = [];
        if (!empty($item->prixTTC)) {
        $entries[] = $this->createEntry($item, 'TTC');
        if (!empty($item->prixHT)) {
        $entries[] = $this->createEntry($item, 'HT');
        if (!empty($item->prixTVA)) {
        $entries[] = $this->createEntry($item, 'TVA');
        if (empty($entries))
        return '';
        return ($addReturn ? "\n" : '') . implode("\n", $entries);
        private function createEntry(object $item, $priceType = 'TTC'): string
        $priceType = strtoupper($priceType);
        if (!in_array($priceType, ['TTC', 'HT', 'TVA'])) {
        throw new Error("Impossible de créer l'entrée");
        $tab = "\t";
        $type = $priceType === 'TTC' ? 'D' : 'C'; // débit ou crédit
        $code = '';
        switch ($priceType) {
        case 'TTC':
        $code = '{code_client}';
        case 'HT':
        if ($item->type === 'SOIREE')
        $code = 7060100000;
        if ($item->type === 'JNFDM' || $item->type === 'CONVENTION')
        $code = 7069000000;
        case 'TVA':
        $code = self::CODE_TVA;
        $entry = self::JOURNAL . $item->dateFacture . $item->dateFinFacture;
        $entry .= $item->nrFacture . $code . ' ';
        $entry .= $item->nrFacture . ' - ' . $item->participant . $tab;
        $entry .= number_format($item->{'prix' . $priceType}, 2, '.', '');
        $entry .= $type . $item->nrFacture . $tab . $item->participant;
        return $entry;
        private function writeFile(string $content, string $method = 'a'): bool
        if (!file_exists(self::FILE))
        $method = 'a';
        $file = fopen(self::FILE, $method);
        fwrite($file, $content);
        return fclose($file);
        public function getFile(): string
        return self::FILE;
        namespace Espo\Modules\EcrituresComptables\Controllers;
        use Espo\Core\Api\Request;
        use Espo\Core\Api\Response;
        use Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error;
        use Espo\Core\Exceptions\Forbidden;
        use Espo\Core\Exceptions\NotFound;
        use Espo\Entities\User;
        use Espo\Modules\EcrituresComptables\Services\ExportSe rvice;
        class MainController
        private ExportService $exportService;
        private User $user;
        * @throws Forbidden
        public function __construct(ExportService $exportService, User $user)
        $this->exportService = $exportService;
        $this->user = $user;
        if (
        !$this->user->isAdmin() &&
        !$this->user->isRegular() &&
        !$this->user->isPortal() &&
        ) {
        throw new Forbidden();
        * POST api/v1/EcrituresComptables/export
        * @throws Forbidden
        * @throws Error
        public function postActionExport(Request $request, Response $response): array
        if (!$this->user->isAdmin() && !$this->user->isApi())
        throw new Forbidden();
        $data = $request->getParsedBody(); // payload
        $ids = $data->params->ids;
        $items = $this->exportService->createExport($ids);
        return [
        'success' => true,
        'msg' => '',
        'data' => $items
        * GET api/v1/EcrituresComptables/download
        * @throws Forbidden
        * @throws Error
        public function getActionDownload(Request $request, Response $response)
        if (!$this->user->isAdmin() && !$this->user->isApi())
        throw new Forbidden();
        $file = $this->exportService->getFile();
        if (!file_exists($file))
        throw new Error("Le fichier d'export n'a pas été trouvé");
        //Define header information
        header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
        header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
        header("Expires: 0");
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($file) . '"');
        header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
        header('Pragma: public');
        //Clear system output buffer
        //Read the size of the file
        Last edited by yberges; 02-13-2024, 09:07 AM.


        • yuri
          • Mar 2014
          • 8696

          The getItems method is from newer Sales Pack versions.


          $items = $entity->get('itemList');
          If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


          • yberges
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2022
            • 177

            hello we found ! Very thanks for your powerfull support !

