For the past few days, I've been receiving an error message in the logs. Do you have any ideas, please?
[2023-12-19 16:10:15] WARNING: Issue with the link 'cases12' in 'User' entity type. Might be the foreign link 'users' in 'Case' entity type is missing. Remove the problem link manually.
[2023-12-19 16:10:15] WARNING: Issue with the link 'cases12' in 'User' entity type. Might be the foreign link 'users' in 'Case' entity type is missing. Remove the problem link manually.
2023-12-19 16:11:03] WARNING: E_WARNING: rename(data\tmp\tmp90FE.tmp,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5) {"code":2,"message":"rename(data\\tmp\\tmp90FE. tmp ,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5)","file":"C:\\wamp64\\www\\application\\Espo\\ Co re\\Utils\\File\\Manager.php","line":391}
[2023-12-19 16:11:03] WARNING: E_WARNING: rename(data\tmp\tmp90FE.tmp,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5) {"code":2,"message":"rename(data\\tmp\\tmp90FE. tmp ,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5)","file":"C:\\wamp64\\www\\application\\Espo\\ Co re\\Utils\\File\\Manager.php","line":413}
[2023-12-19 16:16:47] ERROR: Workflow [Utils::getFieldValue]: The related field [email.toEmailAddresses] entity [Case] has unsupported instance [NULL].
[2023-12-19 16:16:47] ERROR: Workflow [Utils::getFieldValue]: The related field [email.toEmailAddresses] entity [Case] has unsupported instance [NULL].
[2023-12-19 16:10:15] WARNING: Issue with the link 'cases12' in 'User' entity type. Might be the foreign link 'users' in 'Case' entity type is missing. Remove the problem link manually.
[2023-12-19 16:10:15] WARNING: Issue with the link 'cases12' in 'User' entity type. Might be the foreign link 'users' in 'Case' entity type is missing. Remove the problem link manually.
2023-12-19 16:11:03] WARNING: E_WARNING: rename(data\tmp\tmp90FE.tmp,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5) {"code":2,"message":"rename(data\\tmp\\tmp90FE. tmp ,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5)","file":"C:\\wamp64\\www\\application\\Espo\\ Co re\\Utils\\File\\Manager.php","line":391}
[2023-12-19 16:11:03] WARNING: E_WARNING: rename(data\tmp\tmp90FE.tmp,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5) {"code":2,"message":"rename(data\\tmp\\tmp90FE. tmp ,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5)","file":"C:\\wamp64\\www\\application\\Espo\\ Co re\\Utils\\File\\Manager.php","line":413}
[2023-12-19 16:16:47] ERROR: Workflow [Utils::getFieldValue]: The related field [email.toEmailAddresses] entity [Case] has unsupported instance [NULL].
[2023-12-19 16:16:47] ERROR: Workflow [Utils::getFieldValue]: The related field [email.toEmailAddresses] entity [Case] has unsupported instance [NULL].