Help with a relationship error

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  • BigBoss
    • Nov 2023
    • 92

    Help with a relationship error

    For the past few days, I've been receiving an error message in the logs. Do you have any ideas, please?

    [2023-12-19 16:10:15] WARNING: Issue with the link 'cases12' in 'User' entity type. Might be the foreign link 'users' in 'Case' entity type is missing. Remove the problem link manually.
    [2023-12-19 16:10:15] WARNING: Issue with the link 'cases12' in 'User' entity type. Might be the foreign link 'users' in 'Case' entity type is missing. Remove the problem link manually.
    2023-12-19 16:11:03] WARNING: E_WARNING: rename(data\tmp\tmp90FE.tmp,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5) {"code":2,"message":"rename(data\\tmp\\tmp90FE. tmp ,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5)","file":"C:\\wamp64\\www\\application\\Espo\\ Co re\\Utils\\File\\Manager.php","line":391}
    [2023-12-19 16:11:03] WARNING: E_WARNING: rename(data\tmp\tmp90FE.tmp,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5) {"code":2,"message":"rename(data\\tmp\\tmp90FE. tmp ,data/cache/application/languages/fr_FR.php): Accès refusé (code: 5)","file":"C:\\wamp64\\www\\application\\Espo\\ Co re\\Utils\\File\\Manager.php","line":413}
    [2023-12-19 16:16:47] ERROR: Workflow [Utils::getFieldValue]: The related field [email.toEmailAddresses] entity [Case] has unsupported instance [NULL].
    [2023-12-19 16:16:47] ERROR: Workflow [Utils::getFieldValue]: The related field [email.toEmailAddresses] entity [Case] has unsupported instance [NULL].

  • abidoss
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2023
    • 233

    For error 1, try deleting the relationship from the interface. Go to the "users" entity, then fields, and delete the line corresponding to "cases12."


    • shalmaxb
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2015
      • 1638

      It happens in espoCRM, that on deleting relationships from the Admin GUI, there will be kept information to that field in the entityDefs json file, which you then have to delete from that file manually.
      Also in the database there might be tables for that field, which you also should delete manually.

      If you do not delete in the json file, espoCRM will try on every rebuild to create the fields again, in the GUI on recreation it will tell, that such relationship already exists, even you had deleted it before.

      So, if you have to delete a relationship, always afterwards clean everything, which had been created from that relationship.

      You can also execute a hard rebuild. But on any operation, keep a working backup of custom folders and database.

