Behaviour of array\push

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  • esendino
    Senior Member
    • May 2019
    • 158

    Behaviour of array\push

    Im building arrays by reading all the child records related to a father record

    This is the code I used (I simplified to make it more understable)

    while($prCont < $prContTotal,

    $prLineId = array\at($prChildRecordsIds, $prCont); // Recovers from the Multiple Link array each id

    // Retrieve a couple fields from Child Records
    $prProductId = record\attribute('ChildRecord', $prLineId, 'productId');
    $prTotalTax = record\attribute('ChildRecord', $prLineId, 'totalTax');

    //Build the arrays
    $prWooOLProds = array\push($prWooOLProds, $prProductId);
    $prWooOLTotalTaxes = array\push($prWooNewOLTotalTaxes, $prTotalTax);

    $prCont = $prCont + 1);

    And this code works perfectly for the $prProductId field but not for $prTotalTax.

    Not sure what happens.

    Seems that for $prTotalTax it skips all the pushes except the last one

    This issue seems that is related with the type of content of the field. When the content is a string (i.e xyz) or an integer (i.e 1) it works properly, but when its a decimal content (like 2.28 or 7.11) it doesn't work.

    I have tried to force it by using a string\concatenate($prTotalTax) but it didn't work.

    As well 'totalTax' is defined as text field in the ChildRecord table. But seems that it is related with the content itself

    I have solved with the following workaround:

    Instead of a push I did a concatenate with a comma between each addition.
    When finished I did a string\split
    And that made the trick.

    Nevertheless I thought you should know this issue.

  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8705

    Tested in v7.4 in sandbox.

    $i = 0;
    $a = list();
    while ($i < 2) {
        $a = array\push($a, 1.1);
        $i = $i + 1;
    Worked as expected. Printed [1.1, 1.1].
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