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Error related to cache/cron/reports - weird

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  • Error related to cache/cron/reports - weird

    Hello Guys,
    i don't know how to reproduce this error. Maybe you'll have an idea how to fix this issue. Basically user have to clear cache of EspoCRM every single day, because without this, he is not able to use EspoCRM at all.

    Every minute there is a new error in log:
    [2021-08-24 10:55:03] ERROR: Uncaught Exception Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error: "Bad data stored in file 'data/cache/application/webhooks.php'." at /var/www/html/espo/application/Espo/Core/Utils/File/Manager.php line 234 {"exception":"[object] (Espo\\Core\\Exceptions\\Error(code: 500): Bad data stored in file 'data/cache/application/webhooks.php'. at /var/www/html/espo/application/Espo/Core/Utils/File/Manager.php:234)"} []
    [2021-08-24 10:56:02] ERROR: Uncaught Exception Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error: "Bad data stored in file 'data/cache/application/webhooks.php'." at /var/www/html/espo/application/Espo/Core/Utils/File/Manager.php line 234 {"exception":"[object] (Espo\\Core\\Exceptions\\Error(code: 500): Bad data stored in file 'data/cache/application/webhooks.php'. at /var/www/html/espo/application/Espo/Core/Utils/File/Manager.php:234)"} []

    I also found this:
    [2021-08-24 11:00:05] ERROR: Report export fail[5fdaff610dd7f6173]: Bad data stored in file 'data/cache/application/webhooks.php'. [] []

    And here you have content of webhooks.php
    return [];

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    I would look at the rights of the cron user.


    • #3
      dimyy thanks for reply. I checked that. Cron user: www-data


    • #4
      .. strange, can you put Log some where here in this function,
      why it's not a array

      try to print (log) the content of Webhook.php

      PHP Code:
      public function getPhpSafeContents(string $path)
      if (!
      file_exists($path)) {
      throw new 
      Error("Can't get contents from non-existing file '{$path}'.");

      if (!
      strtolower(substr($path, -4)) == '.php') {
      throw new 
      Error("Only PHP file are allowed for getting contents.");

      $counter 0;

      while (
      $counter self::GET_SAFE_CONTENTS_RETRY_NUMBER) {
      $data = include($path);

      if (
      is_array($data) || $data instanceof StdClass) {

      usleep(self::GET_SAFE_CONTENTS_RETRY_INTERVAL 1000000);

      $counter ++;

      throw new 
      Error("Bad data stored in file '{$path}'.");

      Last edited by item; 08-24-2021, 08:26 PM.


      • item
        item commented
        Editing a comment
        look too : i think the issue can resolved (find) there too :

        i suppose you have some webhook event ?

        public function addEvent(string $event)
        $this->data[$event] = true;

        if ($this->config->get('useCache')) {

        * Remove an event. If no webhooks with this event left, then it will be removed from the cache.
        public function removeEvent(string $event)
        $notExists = !$this->entityManager
        'event' => $event,
        'isActive' => true,

        if ($notExists) {

        if ($this->config->get('useCache')) {

    • #5
      i think

      private $data = null; must be private $data = [];


      • #6
        item and dimyy thanks for all replies. I'm still looking for solution. item - it's interesting, but this espo is not using webhooks
        I believe it's something with a cron, because there is an error every single minute, but i can't figure out what.. Also this error starts from ~5 am. And i saw that there is a backup script. I have theory, that maybe this script have some kind of impact? Idk..


        • esforim
          esforim commented
          Editing a comment
          Would disablING the CRON work? Slowly do a few CRON task be able to help you track it down? Or disable all and see it it still happening.
          Last edited by esforim; 08-26-2021, 12:31 AM.