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Bug when creating an appointment: control on start and end dates has a problem

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  • Bug when creating an appointment: control on start and end dates has a problem

    I've install EspoCRM version 6.1.4 base on docker image espocrm/espocrm:6.1.4-apache.
    My system is configure to use 'FR' as locale language and 'hh:mm' as date format.
    When I try to create an apointment (menu apointment=>create apointment), I have an error about invalid dates 'Date de fin doit être après Date de début' (End date must be after start date).

    I'm not able to put right end apointment hour. When I don't change defaut apointment duration (1hour) it is ok, but if I try to set it to 2 or 3h I have this error message.

  • #2
    Hello cmamekem,
    The date validator message says: "Date End should be after Date Start". In your case the validator works properly because you are trying to set the Date End before Date Start.
    For example let's imagine that our time format is not like am/pm, but 24 hours format. So with 24 hours format your parameters would looked like:
    - Date Start: 11:30am -> 11:30.
    - Date End: 2:30am -> 02:30.

    Please, try to change 2:30am to 2:30pm (14:30).


    • #3

      If you're cloud user please change the time format in preferences and settings. There's a known issue that on some cloud instances time format was set to 'hh:mm' (wrong format). It should be 'hh:mma'
      Last edited by yuri; 03-25-2021, 04:03 PM.


      • #4
        Thank you for all your answers.
        - About the fact to change am to pm, you are right, but I was expecting by changing the duration of my apointment, It will set the right hour but it doesn't.
        - I finaly change the hour format in my preferences and it work (no 'am'/'pm' to manage ).

