No, you are not the only one. Same here!
Ok, this topic is older, but it's a problem for me too. The text is only signed, not encrypted. In EspoCRM I have to save the attachment and open it outside with an editor.
The Problem: all other team members cannot read the content inside EspoCrm. It's also not searchable.
Is there a solution in sight?
Best regards...
inbound emails with smime.p7m attatchment
Hi Maximus,
I can not believe I am the only one with that problem. :-)
There is a good short article at
So the smime attachments I get are not encrypted, but they are signed. The text inside the attachment is unencrypted ...
The problem is that these emails are blocking the workflow and we need to open them with regular Outlook.
Perhaps this is an area where somebody wants to investigate a bit more?Leave a comment:
Dear Maximus,
smime.p7m can be secured but is not always. The emails I receive are not encrypted or secured and I can open them with outlook without having a key or certificate installed.Leave a comment:
Hello Bernhard,
This is not a bug. The smime.p7m file is a secure email: the content and attachments have been secured according to S/MIME to protect it from unauthorized access. EspoCRM doesn't have such an ability to open these files. You can find more about this file type and how to open it in the web.Leave a comment:
Hi, yes, can I send it by email to you? If you want, you can send me a mail to bwitt@2x4.deLeave a comment:
inbound emails with smime.p7m attatchment
Hi, for some days now I am getting emails from different customers where there is only an attachment called smime.p7m . I can open the attachment with a text editor and see that the message is NOT enrypted, but I cannot get the included attachments.
Is this a known issue, a bug? or is there a workaround?
Thanks in advance for your help,
BernhardTags: None
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