At the time of creating a report I do not find the entity product Category ! EspoCrm Version 5.5.6
Report Entity Category
You can try to create custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/scopes/ProductCategory.json
"object": true
and clear cache.
But there is no reason to have Product Category entity in reports.
> Do you think it's easy to change the product and product relationship from one to many to may to may?
It's not very easy
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Thanks for you replay !
OK for the category report I will try to do otherwise:
I added a new relationship between May and May between product and product category. this has narrowed down the productcategories field that I added in the product view without any problem. Then I created a grid report on the article quote entity. In the group by I can put product.category but I can not put product.productCategories the field added in specific would not appearComment