Using Markdown and HR in text fields

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  • MatLudlam
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2016
    • 288

    Using Markdown and HR in text fields

    Hi I use a lot of Markdown in text fields to make them easier to read.

    The Markdown syntax for a horizontal line (Horizontal Rule) is the string "---".

    When I use this string, nothing is shown in the text field. When I inspect the element I can see that it is creating the HTML tag <HR> as needed, so it is there, it just cannot be seen.

    I am guessing this is a colouring issue, i.e. white line on white background.

    Could you investigate please?

  • tanya
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 4308

    EspoCRM use simplified Markdown
    HR is 3 underscore symbols ___
    hi, I understand that I can use Markdown in posts. It is all of the Markdown features described below or just a sub-set? I don't know if it is me doing it


    • MatLudlam
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2016
      • 288

      Hi, thanks for the feedback. This generates a few points.
      1. Is there a list anywhere of what markdown is supported, the "i" next to the text field only lists a small subset
      2. Both --- and ___ are mapped to <hr> when I look at the generated output, the issue is that colour is wrong so they don't display.
      Below you can see the generated HTML from the text element.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
Views:	252
Size:	9.7 KB
ID:	44879

      And here is the full screen where you can see the HR is displayed, but not visible:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Full Screen.png
Views:	242
Size:	829.0 KB
ID:	44880


      • tanya
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2014
        • 4308

        This list you can find, when you post in the stream or the full list is here
        Yes, seams this tag is well shown on Hazyblue and Classic themes


        • MatLudlam
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2016
          • 288

          Ah, so it is a theme issue. It is possible to get the "Vertical Sakura" theme updated so that HR shows?

          I have different systems that I use so have different colours for them to ensure I don't get confused.


