I was updating a contact field (multi-enum) and
=> cleaning one row (Validée)
=> and add 2 others (Option C / Option D)
2 files have been updated (here is the git status + git diff command of my project) => OK
The file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Contact.json has the expected values (one has been cleaned and the new ones are here)
But custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/fr_FR/Contact.json has still old values (+ the new ones)
I think you should clean on langage files and items of the multi-enum field (like in metadata/entityDefs/Contact.json)
Here are some screenshots

I was updating a contact field (multi-enum) and
=> cleaning one row (Validée)
=> and add 2 others (Option C / Option D)
2 files have been updated (here is the git status + git diff command of my project) => OK
PHP Code:
% git st
On branch master
modified: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/fr_FR/Contact.json
modified: custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Contact.json
But custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/fr_FR/Contact.json has still old values (+ the new ones)
I think you should clean on langage files and items of the multi-enum field (like in metadata/entityDefs/Contact.json)
Here are some screenshots