error 500 subject value must be composed of printable US-ASCII or UTF-8 characters.

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  • yogarazuma
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2016
    • 2

    error 500 subject value must be composed of printable US-ASCII or UTF-8 characters.

    error 500 subject value must be composed of printable US-ASCII or UTF-8 characters. does not send email pattern. how to fix?
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8703

    Never encountered this. It happens when you try to send email? No matter what's in subject?
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • CRMuser
      • Sep 2016
      • 71

      Same error message here since the last update over the weekend on 4.2.7
      Email is a forward of existing email already sent with Espo, just to a new email.

      Applied the patch from the forum (headerwrap.php) after the error. No change.

      Emails are not imported from after the updated with the exception of one email. In the log is the same error.

      Please advice how to fix as it is such an important feature ...


      • Mdepresb
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2019
        • 13

        Hi friends,
        We have utilized ESPO CRM normally but, since last week, when I put in the Subject field, a word containing any caracter like Ƨ (MaƧa = Apple), aĆ§Ć£o = action, and so on, we got an error, this kind of error.

        Is that possible something related to new server environment (I changed the server)?


      • Mdepresb
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2019
        • 13

        Dear Maximus,
        Thank you very much for your attention and info.
        The erro I am receiving is "ERRO 500: Subject value must be composed of printable US-ASCII or UTF-8 characters."
        It happens when, in the Subject I write words containing graphical symbols, for intance: Hoje teremos uma aĆ§Ć£o.
        The word "aĆ§Ć£o" has the leters Ƨ and the Ć£ , and due this, I canĀ“t sent the e-mail when I receive the error message as I mentioned above.
        To succeed, sendig the e-mail, I must substitute thoese letters for c and a.
        This is my problem my dear friend.
        Have you some tips to correct this definetely, please?

        Thank you in advance, have a nice day.


        • Maximus
          Maximus commented
          Editing a comment
          Espo supports UTF-8 so it should work. Everything works fine on my machine. Can you attach the Espo log file and the error log file of your web server?
      • Mdepresb
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2019
        • 13

        Good morning Maximus,
        The most recent loged error is below:
        [2019-02-13 10:31:08] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 5c111a98e2237b0cf (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] [] [2019-02-13 10:32:07] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 5c111a98e2237b0cf (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] [] [2019-02-13 10:32:34] Espo.ERROR: API [POST]:/:controller, Params:Array ( [controller] => Email ) , InputData: {"status":"Sending","isRead":true,"isImportant":fa lse,"inTrash":false,"folderId":false,"isUsers":fal se,"isHtml":true,"isSystem":false,"isJustSent":fal se,"assignedUsersIds":["5b7463e980ed3172a"],"assignedUsersNames":{"5b7463e980ed3172a":"Mar cos Depresbiteris"},"body":"<p>teste</p><br><a href=""></a>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><img style="width: 122px; height: 122px; float: left;" alt="" src="" hspace="10"><b>Marcos Depresbiteris</b><br>\n<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span>Escola\nBosque das Letras // Dir. Adm&amp;Fin.<br>\nCel: 11 97172-1252&nbsp; Tel: 4206-1963<br>\</p>\n<p style="font-weight: bold;">ā€œUm caminho para\nbrincar, criar e aprenderā€<br><br>Aviso&nbsp;</p><hr><p style="font-weight: bold;"></p>\n<p>Esta mensagem e seus anexos sĆ£o destinados\nexclusivamente ao(s)\ndestinatĆ”rio(s) identificado(s) acima e contĆŖm\ninformaƧƵes\nconfidenciais ou privilegiadas. Se vocĆŖ nĆ£o\nĆ© o destinatĆ”rio destes\nmateriais, nĆ£o estĆ” autorizado a\nutilizĆ”-los para nenhum fim.\nSolicitamos que vocĆŖ apague a mensagem e seus anexos e avise\nimediatamente o remetente. O conteĆŗdo desta mensagem e de\nseus anexos\nnĆ£o representa necessariamente a opiniĆ£o e a\nintenĆ§Ć£o da empresa, nĆ£o\nimplicando em qualquer obrigaĆ§Ć£o ou\nresponsabilidade adicionais.</p><span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></span><hr><p><br></p>\n\n\n","to":"","su bject":"coma uma maĆ§Ć£ e tome uma aĆ§Ć£o","bodyPlain":"teste\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMarcos Depresbiteris\n\nEscola\nBosque das Letras // Dir. Adm&Fin.\n\nCel: 11 97172-1252 Tel: 4206-1963\n\\n\n\nā€œUm caminho para\nbrincar, criar e aprenderā€\n\nAviso \n\n\n\n\nEsta mensagem e seus anexos sĆ£o destinados\nexclusivamente ao(s)\ndestinatĆ”rio(s) identificado(s) acima e contĆŖm\ninformaƧƵes\nconfidenciais ou privilegiadas. Se vocĆŖ nĆ£o\nĆ© o destinatĆ”rio destes\nmateriais, nĆ£o estĆ” autorizado a\nutilizĆ”-los para nenhum fim.\nSolicitamos que vocĆŖ apague a mensagem e seus anexos e avise\nimediatamente o remetente. O conteĆŗdo desta mensagem e de\nseus anexos\nnĆ£o representa necessariamente a opiniĆ£o e a\nintenĆ§Ć£o da empresa, nĆ£o\nimplicando em qualquer obrigaĆ§Ć£o ou\nresponsabilidade adicionais.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","from" :"","cc":"","bcc":"", "parentType":null,"parentName":null,"parentId":nul l,"selectTemplateName":null,"selectTemplateId":nul l,"attachmentsIds":[]} - Subject value must be composed of printable US-ASCII or UTF-8 characters. [] [] [2019-02-13 10:32:34] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: Subject value must be composed of printable US-ASCII or UTF-8 characters., Code: 500 URL: /espo/api/v1/Email [] [] [2019-02-13 10:33:06] Espo.ERROR: EmailAccount 5c111a98e2237b0cf (Select Folder) [0] cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist [] []

        I hope it can be useful to "kill" this error...
        Thank you again for your valuable attention.



        • Mdepresb
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2019
          • 13

          the log file, from today is attached too
          Attached Files


          • Maximus
            Maximus commented
            Editing a comment
            Please attach your server error log file per 2019-02-13 as well. Also, please check what parameter is set in your database/email/name/collation. There should be "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" parameter.
            Last edited by Maximus; 02-13-2019, 02:17 PM.
        • Mdepresb
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2019
          • 13

          I am not so expert in IT, but I can supposed that the file attached is the file that represents web server log.
          I realize that the MySql database is configured with collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci as you teach me.
          Regarding to check " please check what parameter is set in your database/email/name/collation. There should be "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" parameter." I donĀ“t know where the place where this info can be verified but, if you help me, I quicjly do. (sorry)

          A few minutes ago, I did a new installtion, from the scratch, in another place. After that, I tryed to reproduce the error but, the error doesnĀ“t appear and the email was sentt normally.

          I have used ESPO since last august and, my ISP, where I have ESPO installed, changed the server, moving all my site to a new server, faster.
          Since them (last february,8th) I am facing this problem, this new problem!

          I donĀ“t know if this info can help you to find the bug, but this is our reallity indeed.

          Sorry for boring you, and if yoy understand that I am over, feel free to tell me please.

          Thank you in advance.


          • Mdepresb
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2019
            • 13

            the log file,
            Attached Files


            • Maximus
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2018
              • 2731

              no this does not look like the server error log file. If you are using the apache2 web server log file should be in the /var/log/apache2/error.log (log today's session) or if we are talking about 2019-02-13 log file it should be archived in the appropriate archive with the same date.

              Originally posted by Mdepresb
              There should be "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" parameter. I donĀ“t know where the place where this info can be verified.
              Yes, it is. In my DB I have the same parameter.
              It is very easy to verify it with some database administration tool. In my way, I am using phpMyAdmin. As I have said previously this parameter has the next location database/email/name/collation. I will try to show you how it looks to find this parameter with the attachments.
              And please tell me what kind and what version do you use: web server, database, php?
              Attached Files


              • Mdepresb
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2019
                • 13

                Hi Maximus, good morning

                Thank you so much for the images!
                The files attached are similar images including the image of phpadmin about the database.
                I hope these can help us.

                A nice day to you,
                Attached Files


                • Mdepresb
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2019
                  • 13

                  sorry: The PHP version is 7.1 and the Espo CRM version is 5.3.6


                  • Maximus
                    Maximus commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Ok, now please:
                    1. check if you have 5c111a98e2237b0cf email-account in your database (use phpMyAdmin);
                    2. checkĀ if parameterĀ 'charset' => 'utf8mb4' in the <your espo directory>/data/config.php. If it ASCII, change it and try to send email again.
                    3. Give me please the web server error log. Previously you have attached access log instead of the error log.

                    The best way is to upgrade your Espo to the latest version. I recommend you to do this, and before you upgrade Espo make a backup of your database.
                    Last edited by Maximus; 02-15-2019, 03:13 PM.
                • Mdepresb
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2019
                  • 13

                  Maximus good day to you,
                  Replying: 1) yes 2) yes 3) I asked to my ISP to send me the log you asked but I am not sure to have it in shot time.
                  The problem remais after several temptatives to find the reason.
                  Do you have any idea additionally?


                  • Maximus
                    Maximus commented
                    Editing a comment
                    As I have said previously the best way is to upgrade your Espo to the latest version. I am sure this will solve the issue.
                • Mdepresb
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2019
                  • 13

                  Maximus good day to you,

                  I think you are right, I will do this.
                  Please, just avoid a big mistake: the version I have is 5.3.6 ant the question is: should I first upgrade from 5.3.6 to 5.4.5 and, after that, from 5.4.5 to 5.56 (the newest)? or I can jump from 5.3.6 to 5.5.6 directly?



                  • Maximus
                    Maximus commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Now there exists only one opportunity to make it with 2 steps. The first step is to upgrade from 5.3.6 to 5.4.5 and then from 5.4.5 to 5.56.
                • Mdepresb
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2019
                  • 13

                  As I supposed, thank you so much for your great support!

