Import Errors

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  • iscon
    Active Community Member
    • May 2014
    • 187

    Import Errors

    Tried to import accounts with v3.9.2 - Screen said "loading" forever, after interrupting data were present.

    Upgraded to 4.0 b2 - tried to import contacts related to accounts (via account name field). Screen said "running" forever. After interruption the screen showed the imported records plus some duplicates (which were no duplicates because even though first and last were the same email address and account were different). Tried a rollback - no success. Screen now shows a 404 error occasionally even though I switched to another module.

    Error messages in the log (the first one is repeated for every imported/related record)

    [2016-02-24 08:18:16] Espo.WARNING: E_WARNING: Missing argument 2 for Espo\Services\Record::checkEntityForDuplicate(), called in /var/www/xxx/yy/application/Espo/Services/Import.php on line 519 and defined {"file":"/var/www/xxx/yy/application/Espo/Services/Record.php","line":1031} []
    [2016-02-24 08:18:17] Espo.ERROR: API [GET]:/:controller/:id, Params:Array
    , InputData: - [] []
    [2016-02-24 08:18:17] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: , Code: 404 URL: /ieu/api/v1/Import/56cd6501cb5948996 [] []
    Robert Laussegger
    iscon group
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8657

    How much records imported before it failed. Maybe it's a timeout issue? In future we're going to implement workaround for the timeout issue.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • iscon
      Active Community Member
      • May 2014
      • 187

      More or less exactly 5000. But they were all there. I need to check but my timeout is set to 120 or more.
      And BTW: Checking duplicates is a good thing but one should be able to choose based on what criteria.
      Robert Laussegger
      iscon group


      • yuri
        • Mar 2014
        • 8657

        BTW in update and create and update mode you can specify criteria for records needed to be updated
        If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.

