EspoCRM 6.1.0 released

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  • murugappan
    Active Community Member
    • Aug 2017
    • 471


    This is what I did:

    (1) Restored my instance to version 6.0.8 - no problems
    (2) Performed an upgrade and it rolled up to 6.0.10.
    (3) Checked the log and whole bunch of errors shows up, similar to the previous error which was posted under . (refer to screencap)
    (4) Then i upgraded again which rolled-up to version 6.1.3 after a very long time.
    (5) The same errors were logged in but the upgrade was successful (i think!)
    (6) Delete the logs and loaded the instance. No errors logged.
    (7) Did a rebuild and voila! the same error appears again.

    Its odd, as i can remember that my problem surfaced when i upgraded 6.0.10 previously. Unfortunately, the upgrade from 6.0.8 steps through version 6.0.10 and seem to be creating the same issue. Thereafter any further upgrade appears to carry forward the problems. Espocrm developers need to investigate this.

    I have halted at version 6.0.9. That's it for the time being because i am worried about the integrity of the database once i cross into any further upgrade which manifests the same errors in the log. I feel Espocrm need to perform the upgrade straight through from 6.0.8 or 6.0.9 to version 6.1.x instead of 6.0.10 step up.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by murugappan; 02-21-2021, 11:51 PM.


    • murugappan
      murugappan commented
      Editing a comment
      esforim, I did not face any problem like the ones you are facing. In all my instances, this is what happens:

      (1) The permission error happens in all of them and is annoying and does not give me the confidence to keep the version.
      (2) In the ones with larger databases, the upgrade just dies at the rebuild stage and reverts back to the previous version.
      (3) Only one instance is running the version 6.1.2 with the errors stated in (1) above.

      Decided to put the brakes at 6.0.8. I downloaded the full versions of 5.9.4 and 6.0.8 just in case i need to do another fresh instance. I too have 2 instances running on a Shared Hosting Service but that one has been frozen with 5.7.4. We are planning to migrate that version after we purchase additional dedicated server resources from our Hosting Provider. That core installation for that is nearly 300GB and database is 120GB. Its been running from 2018 with 250,000 cases and 500,000 emails. We need to have carefully planned migration, Risk Management and fallback action plans. Never thought i will be doing this kinda migration after 40 years, which had millions of records and on DB2 database. Nightmare.

      I guess the people in ESPOCRM are busy cracking on these problems. I am assuming this as there are no responses from them.
      Last edited by murugappan; 02-23-2021, 02:23 PM.

    • item
      item commented
      Editing a comment
      Hello esforim,
      root access needed to apache/nging/php/mysql.. and so
      else, for espocrm .. we need just "www" user
      contact me (private message) and i can try to help you .. or find what's is the problem

    • esforim
      esforim commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi murugappan, certainly is with that kind of filesize you facing. I don't think my issue is an current ongoing concern for the team, especially since it look like I'm the only person that having this issue. Sad to say, but I'm hoping a few other user have similar issue and might have more knowledge on how to fix it. Unlike the massive slowdown issue of MariaDB and collation table where there were 5-6 user facing same problem.

      I'll get in contact with item figure out how to do remote. I have access through File Manager and MyPHPAdmin, if that is enough. Can download remote software such as TeamViewer or AnyDesk or similar software.
  • Christian
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2019
    • 9


    I hope that my post on this topic is correct.

    Since the update from 6.0.10 to 6.1.x there are severe performance problems with database queries.
    All other options also work slower than before.
    I have rebuild indexes (rebuild.php) and optimize databsase, all without improvement.
    Restore to 6.0.10 is unfortunately not an option.

    Example 1:
    If I will export all contacts (round 9000) to csv (all fields) get the message "error 500".
    Firefox abort with "error 500" after 1:40 minutes. (see attachment)
    HeidiSQL processes need 207 seconds for query and in second 208 creating sort index. (see 2 attachment)
    The error log (DEBUG) is empty for the time of the query.

    Example 2:
    If I will mass update all accounts (round 2600) get the message "timeout".
    Firefox abort without info after round 60 seconds. (see attachment)
    HeidiSQL processes need 53 seconds for query. (see attachment)
    The error log (DEBUG) is empty for the time of the query.

    Can you help me, please!

    Windows 2012 R2
    MariaDB 10.4.17
    (InnoDB, all table "uft8mb4_unicode_ci")
    PHP 7.4.15
    EspoCRM 6.1.4
    (updates from 6.0.10 to 6.1.0 to 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 to 6.1.3 to 6.1.4 all over cli)


    • Christian
      Christian commented
      Editing a comment
      Hello murugappan,

      my PHP config with all set values (PHP NTS run as fastcgi on Apache):

      engine = On
      short_open_tag = Off
      precision = 14
      output_buffering = 4096
      zlib.output_compression = Off
      implicit_flush = Off
      serialize_precision = -1
      open_basedir = [Path to htdocs and cache folder]
      zend.enable_gc = On
      zend.exception_ignore_args = On
      expose_php = Off
      max_execution_time = 180
      max_input_time = 180
      max_input_vars = 5000
      memory_limit = 256M
      error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
      display_errors = Off
      display_startup_errors = Off
      log_errors = On
      log_errors_max_len = 1024
      ignore_repeated_errors = Off
      ignore_repeated_source = Off
      report_memleaks = On
      error_log = [Path to log file]
      variables_order = "GPCS"
      request_order = "GP"
      register_argc_argv = Off
      auto_globals_jit = On
      post_max_size = 25M
      default_mimetype = "text/html"
      default_charset = "UTF-8"
      extension_dir = [Path to php\ext folder]
      sys_temp_dir = [Path to apache cache folder]
      enable_dl = Off
      cgi.force_redirect = 1
      fastcgi.logging = 1
      file_uploads = On
      upload_tmp_dir = [Path to apache cache folder]
      upload_max_filesize = 25M
      max_file_uploads = 20
      allow_url_fopen = Off
      allow_url_include = Off
      default_socket_timeout = 60
      [CLI Server]
      cli_server.color = On
      date.timezone = "Europe/Berlin"
      [mail function]
      mail.add_x_header = Off
      odbc.allow_persistent = On
      odbc.check_persistent = On
      odbc.max_persistent = -1
      odbc.max_links = -1
      odbc.defaultlrl = 4096
      odbc.defaultbinmode = 1
      mysqli.max_persistent = -1
      mysqli.allow_persistent = On
      mysqli.max_links = -1
      mysqli.reconnect = Off
      mysqlnd.collect_statistics = On
      mysqlnd.collect_memory_statistics = Off
      pgsql.allow_persistent = On
      pgsql.auto_reset_persistent = Off
      pgsql.max_persistent = -1
      pgsql.max_links = -1
      pgsql.ignore_notice = 0
      pgsql.log_notice = 0
      bcmath.scale = 0
      session.save_handler = files
      session.save_path = [Path to php cache folder]
      session.use_strict_mode = 1
      session.use_cookies = 1
      session.cookie_secure = 1
      session.use_only_cookies = 1 = PHPSESSID
      session.auto_start = 0
      session.cookie_lifetime = 0
      session.cookie_path = /
      session.cookie_httponly = 1
      session.cookie_samesite = Strict
      session.serialize_handler = php
      session.gc_probability = 1
      session.gc_divisor = 1000
      session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
      session.referer_check =
      session.cache_limiter = nocache
      session.cache_expire = 180
      session.use_trans_sid = 0
      session.sid_length = 48
      session.trans_sid_tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,form="
      session.sid_bits_per_character = 6
      zend.assertions = -1
      tidy.clean_output = Off
      soap.wsdl_cache_dir= [Path to php cache folder]
      soap.wsdl_cache_limit = 5
      ldap.max_links = -1

      to Example 1:
      Yes, I will export all contacts with fiels to csv.
      Before the Update to 6.1.x it works fine.
      If I export all contacts with only 3 fields get the same error.

      Example 3:
      If I search a last name in contacts and get "timeout" and search afterwards again get the right results.
      I need 2 searches to get a result.

      Thank you for your support.
      Last edited by Christian; 03-01-2021, 08:05 AM.

    • murugappan
      murugappan commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi @Christian,

      Try these:
      max_execution_time = 1200
      max_input_time = 1200
      max_input_vars = 80000
      memory_limit = 512M

      These do affect the amount of resources available for php to execute the job.

    • Christian
      Christian commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi murugappan,

      I ran yesterday the script to update "uft8mb4_unicode_ci" ( to test it.

      According to the database, the tables were already in uft8mb4_unicode_ci, but the script had the desired effect!

      After the script are any performance problems are resolved.
      All examples mentioned (1-3) work again without errors.

      Thanks for your support.
  • emillod
    Active Community Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 1419

    Hello guys,
    i can confirm that changing collation for ID columns to utf8mb4(we've changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci) fixed all issues with performance
    Thanks yuri


    • marcusquinn
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2021
      • 133

      Really nice work on this! Thought I'd share my design so far with menu Grouping, in the spirit of sharing & caring It's based a lot on being generic to all industry organisations but with some specifics for a couple of niches I'm working on.

      I've ordered the main workflow from Campaigns to tasks with the rainbow colours red to violet from bottom to top as business goes from outreach to actual, and Calendar & Email on top as the hub of all communications. I like logical structures and thinking about user interface intuition for most commonly used elements and ordering by pathway through business and delivery

      I have a lot of sub-menu items under multiple top levels too, and will use Teams & Roles to filter who sees what, so that it is focused for each Role.

      Role-based permissions management in any system makes me very happy - so my compliments again to whoever design these aspects of the framework, it makes multidimensional data design so much easier when someone's been so thoughtful with the framework!

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2021-03-01 at 01.16.00.png
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      • esforim
        esforim commented
        Editing a comment
        It always good to see example to be inspire by (I always have trouble with group naming). But what is beneath those menu? Be good if you can show those.

      • emillod
        emillod commented
        Editing a comment
        Wow! I didn't know anyone had more modules than us in EspoCRM. I will take this personally and take the challenge

      • marcusquinn
        marcusquinn commented
        Editing a comment
        Admiring all your work here and certainly interested in collaborations. I'm going full ERP with this, and have extensive experience with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Odoo, Magento, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Freshdesk, Freshworks, Appogee HR and many, many other apps over 20 years in this business, so my instance will have inspiration from all of those, and be better Will upload more screenshots but this forums has a fair few limits, so bear with me...
        Last edited by marcusquinn; 03-01-2021, 01:30 PM.
    • marcusquinn
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2021
      • 133

      Click image for larger version

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      • marcusquinn
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2021
        • 133

        Click image for larger version

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        • marcusquinn
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2021
          • 133

          Click image for larger version

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          • marcusquinn
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2021
            • 133

            Click image for larger version

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ID:	68193


            • marcusquinn
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2021
              • 133

              I'm only about 2 months into Espo, so it's work in progress. Lots done and lots still to do. I'll get a test clone instance setup for collaboration if anyone is interested.

              Most of my work is business data structure and flow design, and everything is with respect to best-practice for regulations, compliance, accounting and auditable recordkeeping.

              The end result will be an instance that anyone can run and document their business setup, structure and team with. All the things common across all organisations will be generic, and some industry-specific things will only show if Users have the appropriate team assigned.

              Also, love the Portals feature for external collaboration with various partners & 3rd parties, so designing a lot for that too.


              • esforim
                esforim commented
                Editing a comment
                The crazy amount of submenu, was only expecting a few per category to be honest. I see some of it duplicate in submenu (e.g. Multiple Property, multiple call). And reading the main category, it look like it meant to be for different services/business.

                It this just your "all-in-one" portal and depending on the business they only really use the relevant one applicable to them? I can see it be quite overwhelming if you activate it all on a newly installation.

                Personally my skill in coding is limited, but I love to give it a try for feedback.

                Perhaps it might be best to create a new thread if further discussion into this, else it just get unknown in thread v6.1.0
                Last edited by esforim; 03-02-2021, 12:38 AM.

              • marcusquinn
                marcusquinn commented
                Editing a comment
                The duplicates are because some objects apply to many departments. With the use of Teams & Roles, department users & clients would only need to see what's relevant to them.

                Sure, I'll start a separate thread at some point. I've used almost every ERP/CRM system over the years, so this is being built out to follow all the best-practice and conventional standards across all of them - naturally with the advantage of open-source meaning unrestricted when many of the enterprise systems charge for things like tables as *extras*.
            • item
              Active Community Member
              • Mar 2017
              • 1484

              Do you understand why i give name "einstein" to Yuri ?

              On front-end, we need absolutly "tab".. organise panel as tab.
              On back-end (entityManager), we need absolutly a solution for middle table (one2many or many2many) can act as out-of-box entity. (possibility to add field, layout, ...and so)

              one2many => something like phone field, reminders fields..
              many2many => add custom field but can place in layout


              If you could give the project a star on GitHub. EspoCrm believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.​


              • marcusquinn
                marcusquinn commented
                Editing a comment
                It's an appropriate nickname for sure!!

                Looking forward to doing so much more with this framework, and happy to meet so many of you already experienced and enthusiastic for the possibilities this all creates
            • murugappan
              Active Community Member
              • Aug 2017
              • 471

              Great New folks! My problem has resolved and the upgrades are fast and smooth without any errors. The problem was the permissions parameter in the config.php. All my instances, not sure why or how, show the following:

              user => 1003,
              groups = 1005

              After a fantastic help from Maximus who debugged the problem, i installed a fresh version 5.9.4 and found that the permissions were:

              user => 1000,
              groups => 1002

              Based on this, i changed the permissions and now all the upgraded completed fast and smooth without any errors.



              • murugappan
                Active Community Member
                • Aug 2017
                • 471

                A word of reservation. After more testing, i found that this may only work if the instance has not been upgraded to version 6.0.10. Once you sink into versions > 6.0.10, the problem continues to exists. I have raised this with Maximus again. I do have 3 instances (test, staging, and production) relating to one app with this problem.

                In one instance, after smooth upgrading to 6.1.4, there was a problem/error with the Scheduled Jobs on the Group Email Accounts. I found that a Group Email Account and the scheduler has some problem. All i did was to remove the "faulty" Group Email Account and created a new one in its place. Everything went on fine and cron is fetching the email correctly now. Phew!


                • marcusquinn
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2021
                  • 133

                  Erm, spam? ^


                  • murugappan
                    Active Community Member
                    • Aug 2017
                    • 471

                    Hi all,

                    With a lot of tireless help from Maximus, we managed to resolve the problem. The problem was related to a mismatched owner and group id in the Espocrm instance config .php file and linux file ownnerships. This is what we did to resolve the problem:

                    (1) cd public_html/ ===> Web root
                    (2) stat tigascrm =====> tigascrm is the instance root folder
                    (3) I get "Uid: ( 1001/tigasdispensing) Gid: ( 1003/tigasdispensing)" as output
                    (4) edit the tigascrm->data->config.php
                    (5) locate the code that says 'defaultPermissions'
                    (6) Change the value next to "user' to 1001
                    (7) Change the value next to 'group' to 1003

                    Yipeee! All issues and errors gone. Log is clean now. A lot of thanks to the great help from Maximus.


                    • esforim
                      esforim commented
                      Editing a comment
                      I'm curious, does permissions of these show all clear in the "System Requirements"? Should there be a feature request that permission can be check for these important folder/file?

                    • murugappan
                      murugappan commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Hi esforim , there is short documentation on this requirement but most of us ignored or did not know if we had to do anything about it. The link is I saw that many times but was did not know how to do it or what the consequences would be .Your right, when these sorts of requirements become a show-stopper, it perhaps the right time for the documentation to be updated and it will be really good if there is some in-built check on system changes in the upgrade itself.