EspoCRM 4.2.0 released
Ahh I figuered it out.
There is an Option on the Zendadapter as I expected.
Code:protected function findLdapUserDnByUsername($username) { $ldapClient = $this->getLdapClient(); $options = $this->getUtils()->getOptions(); $loginFilterString = ''; if (!empty($options['userLoginFilter'])) { $loginFilterString = $this->convertToFilterFormat($options['userLoginFilter']); } $searchString = '(&(objectClass='.$options['userObjectClass'].')('.$options['userNameAttribute'].'='.$username.')'.$loginFilterString.')'; $result = $ldapClient->search($searchString, null, LDAP\Client::[COLOR=#FF0000]SEARCH_SCOPE_SUB[/COLOR]); $GLOBALS['log']->debug('LDAP: user search string: "' . $searchString . '"'); foreach ($result as $item) { return $item["dn"]; } }
I suggest to make this available in the UI as well.
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Yes I tried this option then the debugger tells me again "user not found"
The Structure in my case lloks like this
so all users shall have access. For me it looks like it is not resolving the hirachy.
I tried to google for some information about the zend adapter. but since i am not a programmer I got stuck.
I guess there is a parameter in the adapter to tell him serching through the hirachyLeave a comment:
Did you try "OU=Department,OU=Company,DC=xxxx,DC=xx xx"? Yes, this bug fixed and will be add to the new release.
In my case, I have the following structure:
My base dn is "cn=users-group,ou=users,dc=espo,dc=local".Leave a comment:
ok I played a little bit arround.
so if I am typing the full "basedn" which in the case of my user "OU=OU-Mitarbeiter,OU=Department,OU=Company,DC=xxxx,DC=xx xx" it works fine.
but if I want to give access to everybody in the company by using only "OU=Company,DC=xxxx,DC=xxxx" it says user not found.
so is this a bug or is that how its suppose to be? because from my point of view the case of giving the company access should be valid?
btw I found another small bug in the fieldmapping that should be fixed in the next update.
Code:protected $ldapFieldMap = array( 'userName' => 'userNameAttribute', 'firstName' => 'userTitleAttribute', 'lastName' => 'userFirstNameAttribute', 'title' => 'userLastNameAttribute', 'emailAddress' => 'userEmailAddressAttribute', 'phoneNumber' => 'userPhoneNumberAttribute', );
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Did you define the user "Base DN" or "User Login Filter"? More information about configuring LDAP a comment:
Just updated to 4.2.2 and having the same issue with Ldap on AD.
Code:[2016-08-16 09:26:17] Espo.DEBUG: LDAP: user search string: "(&(objectClass=user)(SamAccountName=me_user))" [] [] [2016-08-16 09:26:17] Espo.DEBUG: Found DN for [me_user]: []. [] [] [2016-08-16 09:26:17] Espo.ERROR: LDAP: Authentication failed for user [me_user], details: user is not found. [] []
checkt several options with Userpricipalname and account canonical form.
any ideas?
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The problem was in objectClass attribute, for LDAP it is "inetOrgPerson". Now, in 4.2.2 added possibility to define the objectClass attribute on LDAP setting page.Leave a comment:
[2016-08-12 12:26:43] Espo.DEBUG: LDAP: user search string: "(&(objectClass=user)(uid=myuser))" [] []
[2016-08-12 12:26:43] Espo.DEBUG: Found DN for [myuser]: []. [] []
[2016-08-12 12:26:43] Espo.ERROR: LDAP: Authentication failed for user [myuser], details: user is not found. [] []
Seems like it does not found DN but If i'll try to search manually with same filter and basedn then i found a user.Leave a comment:
Also I found an problem with OpenLDAP after upgrading 4.1.6 to 4.2.0 LDAP authentication not work with OpenLDAP.Leave a comment:
It's possible but not so easy. You can remove your entity and create new one. Create fields, relations with keeping their names and types.Leave a comment:
How is possible to change current Base entity to Event entity. This is needed because I would like to show existing entity entries in calendar or is there some migration tool which can convert entity data?Leave a comment:
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