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Search Engine Improvements

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  • Search Engine Improvements


    Today if I search for something it is to exactly.. If I search for "petr" it won't show me entries with "peter".. I would really recommend a change in this area..
    Also I'm not able to search for multiple things with "and /or".. For example if I want to search all Peter's and all John's this isn't possible.

    Beside the search: When we sell something we have a one time fee and a monthly fee.. How about implement that?


  • #2

    For this purpose we need to integrate it with some 3rd party search engine like Elastic Search.


    • #3
      That would be very nice.

      And what about the other thing: products with a one time fee and a monthly fee
      I would implement this in the advanced package..


      • #4
        I have a fairly easy solution for this..
        If I'm searching for "%SEARCHTERM%" instead for "SEARCHTERM" I'm getting also result for data that is LIKE "SEARCHTERM" and not exactly equals "SEARCHTERM"..
        You could implement it like this veeeeerryy easy


        • #5
          Isn't this a posibility to add? I think this would take one developer round about 1h to implement.. Maybe less..


          • #6
            No response from anybody of the team?


            • #7
              Couple of things.

              '%petr%' will never return results containing peter. That's just how SQL works.

              Espo already allows you to do this using the varchar 'Contains' filter modifier in list/report view.

              To enable '%<term>%' support in all the search boxes add

              'textFilterUseContainsForVarchar' => true

              to your data/config.php file.


              • #8
                Originally posted by alasdaircr View Post
                '%petr%' will never return results containing peter. That's just how SQL works.
                But it's better thank nothing.

                Originally posted by alasdaircr View Post
                Espo already allows you to do this using the varchar 'Contains' filter modifier in list/report view.
                To enable '%<term>%' support in all the search boxes add
                'textFilterUseContainsForVarchar' => true
                to your data/config.php file.
                Thank you, That helped me a little bit with this problem..


                • #9
                  I added 'textFilterUseContainsForVarchar' to config.php, but it didn't have any effect on the global search. Also, the name of that option implies that other types won't be partially searched. Is there a flag to turn on partial search matches for every field type? That's really what needs to happen for most people I'm guessing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by yuri View Post

                    For this purpose we need to integrate it with some 3rd party search engine like Elastic Search.
                    This would be brilliant. The more people you have on one installation, the more dupes you might have, because they don't find the correct data set. So yes, ES would be brilliant.


                    • #11
                      It's already possible to use operators.

