Notes - Add fields or tags or something?

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  • eymen-elkum
    Hi Jens,

    There is an extension to add custom fields to notes:

    Espocrm, - Ability to create reports on Stream note entity using Advanced pack- Ability to define custom fields for stream from entity managerRead information about the extension . Release notes are available here.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by eymen-elkum; 11-10-2023, 05:38 AM.

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    started a topic Notes - Add fields or tags or something?

    Notes - Add fields or tags or something?


    We use notes on opportunities a lot. I think they are a great tool.
    However meetings and calls is a bit cumbersome to use.

    But we still want to track calls and meetings, but maybe we dont need to enter exactly which time of day and how long they were in the CRM so I had the idea to add a field to Notes instead, a dropdown where we could select Meeting, Incoming call, Outgoing call.
    But I see no way of adding that. Is it possible?

    Kind regards