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Stream All Users vs. Stream User

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  • Stream All Users vs. Stream User

    I have the menu item Streams in the main navigation. All users should be able to see all streams there. That also fits so far with the settings.

    But if I click on Users and look for a specific user, then all the activities of all users are also there under Streams. But I would like it to be presented in such a way that only the own streams are displayed under User Streams. See also the attached pictures.

  • #2
    Hello. Probably you can create additional filter for stream. Here you have a list of current filters:


    • RSGRG
      RSGRG commented
      Editing a comment
      As dimyy wrote, I don't mean that. Users should only be able to see their streams, whereas all streams should be displayed in the main menu. In each case without the user having to set any filters.

  • #3
    Stream is not the user activity log. Stream is a log of actions with user-related entities
    User activity log is #ActionHistoryRecord.


    • RSGRG
      RSGRG commented
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      ok and why do I get the same display for both? In the case of users, is everything displayed by all users?

    • dimyy
      dimyy commented
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      Entity(E) have assigned User, modifiedBy User, subscribers, users teams

      All of them see notification about changing E

  • #4
    OK, I can't quite follow that, where do I set that so that the user only sees his under his streams?

