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Help on Relation and Formula

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  • Help on Relation and Formula


    I need some help on to create a formula, refer below.

    If Stock.StockDateMonth = StationaryRequest.CreatedatMonth, Then + to Stock.TotalIssue + StationaryRequest.DispatchUnits

    There are three entities which is Items, Stock and Stationary Request.
    • Relevant Item is link to Stationary Request
    • Relevant item is link to Stock
    So the item is the middle one for the relation. what I wanted to do is get the "dispatch units" value from relevant item Stationary request entity and update on the same relevant item stock total issue entity.

    Stock Entity

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Stock.PNG
Views:	363
Size:	40.0 KB
ID:	66052

    Stationary Request Entity

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Stationary Request.PNG
Views:	288
Size:	13.1 KB
ID:	66053

    Each month there will separate record for Stock and above one for Jan 2020 and only for one item.

    Highly appreciate help on this.

  • #2
    Can anyone help me on this ?


    • esforim
      esforim commented
      Editing a comment
      I probably cannot. What have you tried though? I can't even think of any workaround, still in holiday mode.

    • Nishan Perera
      Nishan Perera commented
      Editing a comment
      hhahaha. I'm always on espocrm. developed some themes, and a app for android (web to app like PWA). actually i think this can be done with web hooks but I don't have knowledge for it. tried with formulas. But no luck.