When opening a letter, the following request is generated:
Forcing the use of an index (USE INDEX (`IDX_DATE_SENT`)) in this context is erroneous and greatly slows things down.
Without this line, the request is processed almost instantly
758 ms vs 8 s 190 ms
SELECT email.assigned_user_id AS `assignedUserId`, email.id AS `id`, email.parent_id AS `parentId`, email.name AS `name`, email.created_by_id AS `createdById`, email.date_sent AS `dateSent`, email.from_string AS `fromString`, email.from_email_address_id AS `fromEmailAddressId`, fromEmailAddress.name AS `fromEmailAddressName`, email.parent_type AS `parentType`, email.is_html AS `isHtml`, email.is_replied AS `isReplied`, email.status AS `status`, email.account_id AS `accountId`, email.message_id AS `messageId`, email.sent_by_id AS `sentById`, email.reply_to_string AS `replyToString`, email.has_attachment AS `hasAttachment`, email.group_folder_id AS `groupFolderId`, emailUser.is_read AS `isRead`, emailUser.is_important AS `isImportant`, emailUser.in_trash AS `inTrash`, emailUser.folder_id AS `folderId` FROM `email` AS `email`USE INDEX (`IDX_DATE_SENT`) LEFT JOIN `email_address` AS `fromEmailAddress` ON email.from_email_address_id = fromEmailAddress.id LEFT JOIN `email_user` AS `emailUser` ON emailUser.email_id = email.id AND emailUser.deleted = 0 AND emailUser.user_id = '615ce8d3adcc3267d' WHERE (((email.parent_id = '65c0b1b69a8194962') AND (email.parent_type = 'Case'))) AND (emailUser.in_trash = 0 AND emailUser.folder_id IS NULL AND emailUser.user_id = '615ce8d3adcc3267d' AND (email.status IN ('Archived', 'Sent') AND email.group_folder_id IS NULL) AND (email.status = 'Archived' AND email.created_by_id <> '615ce8d3adcc3267d')) AND email.deleted = 0 ORDER BY email.date_sent DESC, email.id DESC LIMIT 0, 2;
Without this line, the request is processed almost instantly
758 ms vs 8 s 190 ms