Realestate Locations - Delete issues

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  • tarektoubia
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2024
    • 10

    Realestate Locations - Delete issues

    Dear All,

    Using API, I have imported a list of locations. However, I noticed that some of them need to be deleted.
    I tried using the Mass action and 1 by 1, but none of them worked.
    Below the log error:

    WARNING: (403) Mass action 'delete' is disabled for 'RealEstateLocation'. :: POST /MassAction :: /home/xxx/crm/application/Espo/Core/MassAction/MassActionFactory.php(63)

    CRITICAL: (0) ORM: Repository 'RealEstate' does not exist. :: DELETE /RealEstateLocation/679f44264ade7bf90 :: /home/xxx/crm/application/Espo/ORM/EntityManager.php(213)

    I deleted them from the Database.

    I am using Espo 9.0.1 and Realestate extension 1.8.3.

    Is it better to post such issues to Github?

  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8657


    Will be fixed with the next hotfix Espo release.

    We struggle with allocating resources to maintain the Real Estate extension. It's free but the userbase seems does not overlaps with our paid extensions much. I proposed before that we might better make it paid for some non-large amount. Not everyone would be happy with it. But it had taken a significant amount of work to develop, maintain and test it. This piece of software is mostly used in for-profit settings. Why then should not it cost some money.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.

