Part 3 - Control values of a multiple link depending on another multiple link

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  • telecastg
    Active Community Member
    • Jun 2018
    • 907

    Part 3 - Control values of a multiple link depending on another multiple link

    This is the final part of the tutorial to Control values of a multiple link depending on the values of another multiple link, you can see Parts 1 and 2 here:

    Step 5
    Create the back-end entry point class custom/Espo/Custom/EntryPoints/ConditionalLinkMultiple.php that will receive the ajax call specified in the code described in Step 4 of this tutorial, will execute an sql command on the database and will return a list of entity ids to use as the filter for displaying the list of available options for the multi link field.
    PHP Code:
    namespace Espo\Custom\EntryPoints;


    ConditionalLinkMultiple extends \Espo\Core\EntryPoints\Base
        public static 
    $authRequired true;

    // default action
    public function run()
    // convert the POST JSON input received into a PHP associative array
    $requestPayload file_get_contents("php://input");
    $payload json_decode($requestPayloadtrue);
    // $GLOBALS['log']->debug('ConditionalLinkMultiple Entry Point payload:', [$payload]);
    $action $payload["action"];

    $action) {
                throw new 
    BadRequest('ConditionalLinkMultiple.php "action" parameter is missing');

            switch (
    $action) {
    // build the sql command from inputs received
    $modelKeyValue $payload['modelKeyValue'];
    $modelTable $payload['modelTable'];
    $modelCriteriaTable $payload['modelCriteriaTable'];
    $criteriaTable $payload['criteriaTable'];
    $criteriaTargetTable $payload['criteriaTargetTable'];
    $targetTable $payload['targetTable'];
    $modelKey $payload['modelKey'];
    $modelReferenceKey $payload['modelReferenceKey'];
    $criteriaKey $payload['criteriaKey'];
    $criteriaReferenceKey $payload['criteriaReferenceKey'];
    $targetReferenceKey $payload['targetReferenceKey'];
    $targetKey $payload['targetKey'];
    $sql 'SELECT '.$targetTable.'.'.$targetKey;
    $sql.= ' FROM '.$targetTable;
    $sql.= ' INNER JOIN '.$criteriaTargetTable.' ON '.$targetTable.'.'.$targetKey.' = '.$criteriaTargetTable.'.'.$targetReferenceKey;
    $sql.= ' INNER JOIN '.$criteriaTable.' ON '.$criteriaTable.'.'.$criteriaKey.' = '.$criteriaTargetTable.'.'.$criteriaReferenceKey;
    $sql.= ' INNER JOIN '.$modelCriteriaTable' ON '.$criteriaTable.'.'.$criteriaKey.' = '.$modelCriteriaTable.'.'.$criteriaReferenceKey;
    $sql.= ' INNER JOIN '.$modelTable.' ON '.$modelTable.'.'.$modelKey.' = '.$modelCriteriaTable.'.'.$modelReferenceKey;
    $sql.= ' WHERE '.$modelTable.'.'.$modelKey.' = "'.$modelKeyValue.'"';
    $sql.= ' GROUP BY '.$targetTable.'.'.$targetKey;
    // $GLOBALS['log']->debug('ConditionalLinkMultiple Entry Point sql:', [$sql]);
                    // execute the sql command
    $pdo $this->getEntityManager()->getPDO();
    $data $pdo->query($sql)->fetchAll();
    $response = [];
    $data as $row){
    $response[] = $row['id'];
    // return data set

    //code to be executed if $action is different from all labels;

    Notice that this script also contains 2 commented statements that can be used for trouble shooting to make sure that the data passed by the ajax call is correct and that the final sql statement is correct.

    For more on debugging PHP code see this post

    Step 6

    The final step is to clear cache and rebuild the Espo instance

    This tutorial does not cover the layout specifications for the main ("Work Order") entity, which will depend on your preferences, but in our case the modified Work Order entity detail display looks like this:
    Click image for larger version  Name:	WOrk Order Detail.jpg Views:	42 Size:	68.9 KB ID:	60643
    Last edited by telecastg; 07-26-2020, 05:19 AM.
  • Redwood
    • Jul 2020
    • 45

    OMG, IT WORKS. Telecastg. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I found an error in the PHP at custom/Espo/Custom/EntryPoints/ConditionalLinkMultiple.php. It had one extra closing bracket and that was the problem) (line 67). It is working great now!!!

    This is the most useful tutorial on this site and I hope the moderators include the ability in future versions.


    • telecastg
      telecastg commented
      Editing a comment
      You're very welcome :-) and thank you so much for pointing out the error, I edited the script to remove the extra closing bracket
      Last edited by telecastg; 07-26-2020, 05:20 AM.
  • Redwood
    • Jul 2020
    • 45

    Hi Telecastg, I have used your solution to filter users. The question I have is where could you put in a if-else statement to only call the (in my case) Users filter when in Workorder? As it is now, users cannot be assigned to for example meetings or calls. If there is not practical way to put in a If then filter, is there a way to sync two entities (for example Service Techs and Users) ? If so I can move the filter back into Service Techs and the the problem would be solved.

    I want to use the users entity because it would be difficult to use the scheduler and impossible for users to be able to edit their skills.

    I hope there is a way to call the filter when someone is only in the Workorder and not in any other part.

    Let me know your thoughts on this and again, THANK YOU!!


    • telecastg
      Active Community Member
      • Jun 2018
      • 907

      Try changing the following code in client/custom/src/views/fields/link-multiple-conditional.js :

      var viewName = this.getMetadata().get('clientDefs.' + this.foreignScope + '')  || this.selectRecordsView;
      if(this.model.urlRoot === '[B][COLOR=#c0392b]WorkOrder[/COLOR][/B]') {
          var viewName = this.getMetadata().get('clientDefs.' + this.foreignScope + '') || this.selectRecordsView;
      } else {
          var viewName = 'views/modals/select-records';
      By doing this you are telling Espo to use the default view ("views/modals/select-records") to render a list of ServiceTechs (or Users in your case) instead of the custom view specified in in ServiceTech (or User) clientDefs metadata file.

      Please note that you are hard coding the name of the entity where the special filtering applies ("WorkOrder"). If you decide to use a different name you will need to hard code the actual entity class name in the script.


      • Redwood
        • Jul 2020
        • 45

        I tried your solution, it did not allow other entities to see the users. I think because I had to put the filter in the entity def, it over rides the standard view. I really appreciate all of your help with this. I think once it works, it is going to be great though. If you have any other ideas, please let me know. AND THANK YOU!!


        • telecastg
          Active Community Member
          • Jun 2018
          • 907

          I suggest that you stick with the "ServiceTech" or other 100% custom entity and link it to "User" in a one-to-one relationship instead of trying to customize the core User entity views or filters.

          Once you do that, then all the fields in User will be available for the ServiceTech entity and all the fields in ServiceTech will be available for the User

