for example I run some espo-language script in a try/catch the function not found is not handled by my catch block
[2019-05-21 19:24:56] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: Class \Espo\Core\Formula\Functions\=entityGroup\GetAttri buteType was not found., Code: 500 URL: /crm/index.php?entryPoint=test1 [] []
[2019-05-21 19:24:56] Espo.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Slim\Exception\Stop: "" at /home/test/public_html/crm/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Slim.php line 1022 {"exception":"[object] (Slim\\Exception\\Stop(code: 0): at /home/test/public_html/crm/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Slim.php:1022)"} []
How do I catch everything instead ?
ps. is formulaManager->run($code, $target, $variables) the only way to run espo-formula code? What methods can I use to test my custom functions in order to simulate a dynamic field formula, a formula condition field, a workflow and a bpmprocess task ?
[2019-05-21 19:24:56] Espo.ERROR: Display Error: Class \Espo\Core\Formula\Functions\=entityGroup\GetAttri buteType was not found., Code: 500 URL: /crm/index.php?entryPoint=test1 [] []
[2019-05-21 19:24:56] Espo.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Slim\Exception\Stop: "" at /home/test/public_html/crm/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Slim.php line 1022 {"exception":"[object] (Slim\\Exception\\Stop(code: 0): at /home/test/public_html/crm/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Slim.php:1022)"} []
How do I catch everything instead ?
ps. is formulaManager->run($code, $target, $variables) the only way to run espo-formula code? What methods can I use to test my custom functions in order to simulate a dynamic field formula, a formula condition field, a workflow and a bpmprocess task ?