I try to build my first Custom View, and I meet some issues.
I use the extension Project Management and would like to add a custom view to entity Project.
I made 4 files :
- custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Project.json
- client/custom/src/views/project/list-with-hello.js
- custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/app/routes.json
- client/custom/src/controllers/project/list-with-hello.js
The method I try to use is:
- define a view in clientDefs
- make a route for this view
- make a button to access to this view
At the moment, the button give me link that return 404.
I'm not sure to understand exactly is the issue, but I think the view is not reconized as it should.
Any advice would be much appreciated !
custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Project.json :
I try to build my first Custom View, and I meet some issues.
I use the extension Project Management and would like to add a custom view to entity Project.
I made 4 files :
- custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Project.json
- client/custom/src/views/project/list-with-hello.js
- custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/app/routes.json
- client/custom/src/controllers/project/list-with-hello.js
The method I try to use is:
- define a view in clientDefs
- make a route for this view
- make a button to access to this view
At the moment, the button give me link that return 404.
I'm not sure to understand exactly is the issue, but I think the view is not reconized as it should.
Any advice would be much appreciated !
custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Project.json :
{ "kanbanViewMode": true, "color": null, "iconClass": "fas fa-list-alt", "relationshipPanels": { "typeProjets": { "layout": null, "selectPrimaryFilterName": null } }, "views": { "listWithHello": "custom:views/project/list-with-hello" }, "menu": { "list": { "buttons": [ { "label": "Vue ListWithHello", "link": "#Project/list-with-hello", "acl": "read" } ] } } }
define('custom:views/project/list-with-hello', ['view'], (View) => { return class extends View { template() { return ` <div> <div style="width: 50%; float: left; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;"> <h3>Liste des projets</h3> </div> <div style="width: 50%; float: left;"> <h1>Hello</h1> </div> </div> `; } }; });
{ "listWithHello": { "path": "#Project/list-with-hello", "controller": "controllers/project/list-with-hello" } }
define('custom:controllers/project/list-with-hello', ['controller'], (Controller) => { return class extends Controller { run() { this.main('custom:views/project/list-with-hello'); } }; });