How to reference a template?

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  • macMonkey
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2024
    • 18

    How to reference a template?

    This is my structure(based on ext-template repo):
    ├── files
    │ ├── client
    │ │ └── custom
    │ │ ├── modules
    │ │ │  └── lead-manipulation-package
    │ │ │     └── res
    │ │ │        └── templates
    │ │ │           └── slider-template.tpl
    │ │ └── src
    │ │    ├── button-modal-handler.js
    │ │    └── views
    │ │       ├── DistributeSlider.js
    │ │       ├── lead
    │ │       │  └── myLead.js
    │ │       └── modals
    │ │          └── my-dialog.js
    │ └── custom
    │    └── Espo
    │       └── Modules
    │          └── LeadManipulationPackage
    │             ├── EntryPoints
    │             │  └── DistributeLeads.php
    │             └── Resources
    │                ├── i18n
    │                │  └── en_US
    │                │     └── Lead.json
    │                ├── metadata
    │                │  ├── aclDefs
    │                │  │  └── Lead.json
    │                │  ├── app
    │                │  │  └── client.json
    │                │  └── clientDefs
    │                │     └── Lead.json
    │                ├── module.json
    │                └── routes.json
    ├── manifest.json
    └── scripts
       ├── AfterInstall.php
       └── AfterUninstall.php​

    <div class="distribute-slider">
       <h3>Select Users</h3>
       <div class="user-list">
          <!-- Content should be loaded here -->

    define('custom:views/modals/my-dialog', ['views/modal', 'model'], (ModalView, Model) => {
       return class extends ModalView {
          className = 'dialog dialog-record'
          // language=Handlebars
          templateContent = `
             <div class="record">
                {{{lead-manipulation-package:templates/slider-template}}}. // !!! I WANT TO REFERENCE IT HERE !!!
          // If true, clicking on the backdrop will close the dialog.
          // Can be 'static', true or false.
          backdrop = true
          async setup() {
             // Action buttons
             this.buttonList = [
                   name: 'doSomething', // handler for 'doSomething' action is below
                   text: this.translate('Distribute', 'labels', 'MyScope'), // button label
                   style: 'primary',
                   onClick: () =>,
                   name: 'cancel',
                   label: 'Cancel',
             const title = 'Select Users'; // assuming it's passed from our parent view
             this.headerText = title;
             // Load the collection asynchronously before initializing the list view
             const collection = await this.loadCollection();
             this.createView('record', 'views/record/list', {
                collection: collection,
                type: 'listSmall',
                selectable: true,
                massActionsDisabled: true,
                editDisable: true,
                el: this.$el.find('.user-list'), // Match template's `.user-list`
             }).then((view) => {
             async loadCollection() {
             const collection = await this.getCollectionFactory().create('User');
             await collection.fetch();
          return collection;
          async foo(){
             // TODO: implement button function
    How do i reference "src/files/client/custom/modules/lead-manipulation-package/res/templates/slider-template.tpl" to "src/files/client/custom/src/views/modals/my-dialog.js" ?​

    PS: what would be some key files needed so that text and button labels are translatable in different languages?
    Last edited by macMonkey; 12-04-2024, 04:16 PM.
  • yuri
    • Mar 2014
    • 8647

    Not possible to reference. It's supposed that a view is broken down into sub-views.
    If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.


    • yuri
      • Mar 2014
      • 8647

      template: 'lead-manipulation-package:slider-template'

      Referencing from a view instead of using templateContent.
      If you find EspoCRM good, we would greatly appreciate if you could give the project a star on GitHub. We believe our work truly deserves more recognition. Thanks.

